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Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Nebula Church believe?
The Nebula Church embraces a unique and evolving spiritual path centered on individual growth and a deep connection to the universe. Here are some core tenets that guide our faith:

Free and Responsible Search for Truth: We believe there's no single path to enlightenment. Each individual is encouraged to explore various philosophies, practices, and experiences to discover their own truth and meaning in life.

Shared Journey of Spiritual Growth: While we don't have a set creed, we share a commitment to personal and spiritual development. Through various practices like meditation, mindfulness, and self-reflection, we strive to become better versions of ourselves.

Dynamic Living Tradition: Our beliefs are not static. We embrace a "living tradition" that adapts and evolves as our understanding of the universe and ourselves deepens. New ideas and practices are encouraged, fostering a vibrant and ever-changing spiritual community.

Here are some additional values that hold significance for Nebula Church members:

Unconditional Love and Acceptance: We celebrate diversity and believe in extending love and acceptance to all people, regardless of background or beliefs.

Self-Realization: Every person has the potential to discover their unique purpose and live a fulfilling life. We encourage members to explore their inner selves and unlock their full potential.

Mindfulness and Gratitude: We cultivate awareness of the present moment and appreciate the blessings in our lives.

Compassion and Interconnectedness: We strive to show kindness to all living beings and recognize the interconnectedness of all things in the universe.

Nature Reverence: We respect and value the natural world, acknowledging our responsibility to protect and preserve it.

The Nebula Church offers a welcoming space for individuals seeking a personalized spiritual journey, free from rigid doctrines and dogma. It's a place to explore, connect, and grow alongside others on a shared path of self-discovery and connection to the universe.
Do Church of Nebula believe in God?
Yes, but with a twist! We believe in a universal energy that permeates everything, the very essence of the cosmos. This energy can be considered a divine force, the source and foundation of all existence.

Here at Nebula Church, we call this energy "Zella," but that's just our preference. You can use any name that resonates with you – the universe doesn't care about labels.

Our concept of Zella aims to bridge the gap between science and faith. Zella represents the underlying force behind the universe's workings, aligning with scientific understanding while acknowledging the existence of a greater power.
Do you have your own Holy Book?
The Church of Nebula's approach differs from traditional religions with established holy books. We focus on a "living tradition" that encourages individual exploration.

Here's a breakdown of our perspective:

The Kybalion as a Guide: While we don't have a single, definitive holy book, the ancient text known as "The Kybalion" holds significant importance. It outlines the "Hermetic philosophy," a system of beliefs focused on the interconnectedness of all things and the underlying principles of the universe.

Focus on Personal Exploration: The Kybalion serves as a guiding light, but it's not a set of strict rules. We encourage members to engage with the text, interpret its wisdom through their own lens, and discover its personal meaning.

Openness to Diverse Sources: Our spiritual journey isn't limited to The Kybalion. We believe in learning from various sources, including scientific discoveries, philosophical works, and the wisdom of other cultures. This openness fosters a well-rounded understanding of the world and our place within it.

Living Tradition in Action: Our beliefs evolve as new knowledge and experiences emerge. The Kybalion provides a foundation, but it's not the sole source of truth. We encourage open discussions, exploration of diverse ideas, and the ongoing development of our shared spiritual understanding.

Ultimately, the Church of Nebula prioritizes individual exploration and a dynamic spiritual path. The Kybalion offers valuable wisdom, but it's just one piece of the puzzle in our ongoing quest for truth and meaning.
What is Nebula Church based on?
While science plays a significant role in Nebula Church's beliefs, it wouldn't be entirely accurate to call it a purely science-based religion. Here's a more nuanced explanation:

Science as a Guiding Force: We value scientific inquiry and the pursuit of knowledge about the universe. We believe scientific discoveries can enhance our understanding of the cosmos and our place within it.

Beyond Pure Science: Nebula Church incorporates elements of spirituality and a search for meaning that goes beyond the purely scientific realm. We acknowledge the limitations of science in explaining all aspects of human experience and the universe's mysteries.

Reconciliation of Science and Spirit: We strive to bridge the gap between scientific understanding and spiritual yearning. Our beliefs aim to find harmony between the objective world revealed by science and the subjective human experience of the universe's wonder and interconnectedness.

The Kybalion's Influence: The ancient text, "The Kybalion," is a foundational source for Nebula Church. It presents a philosophical framework that aligns with some scientific principles, such as the interconnectedness of all things and the existence of universal laws.

In essence, Nebula Church embraces a unique perspective that integrates scientific knowledge with a spiritual quest for meaning. We believe science offers valuable tools for understanding the universe, while acknowledging the importance of spiritual exploration to find purpose and connection.
What are the 7 pillars of Nebula Church?
The Nebula Church finds guidance and meaning through seven core principles, often referred to as the Seven Pillars. Here's a breakdown of each pillar and its significance:

Zella: As you know, Zella represents the all-encompassing energy of the universe, the divine force behind everything. It's the foundation of our spiritual understanding.

Karma: This pillar reflects the universal law of cause and effect. Our actions have consequences, both positive and negative, shaping our experiences in this life and potentially beyond.

Maya: Originating in Hinduism, Maya refers to the illusion of reality. It reminds us that our perception of the world may be limited, and there's a deeper truth waiting to be discovered.

Duty: This pillar emphasizes the importance of fulfilling our obligations, both to ourselves and others. It encourages responsible living and contributing positively to the world.

Soul: The Soul represents our essence, the spark of divinity within each individual. It's the part of us that transcends the physical and connects to the greater whole.

Charity: Compassion and generosity are central to this pillar. We are called to help those in need and contribute to the betterment of society.

Gateway (not Gates) of Transformation: While often referred to as "Gates of Hell," this pillar has a more positive connotation in Nebula Church. It represents the challenges and experiences that force us to grow, transform, and evolve as spiritual beings.

These Seven Pillars serve as a framework for our spiritual journey at Nebula Church. They guide our actions, thoughts, and understanding of the universe and our place within it.
How do I express my devotion?
The Church of Nebula offers a variety of ways to connect with your devotion and explore your spirituality. Here are some key practices:

Music and Dance: We celebrate the uplifting power of music and movement. Singing hymns, participating in rhythmic chants, or even engaging in sacred dance can be a powerful way to express devotion and connect with the divine energy (Zella).

Meditation: Quiet reflection and mindfulness practices are central to our approach. Meditation allows us to connect with our inner selves, access a deeper sense of peace, and gain clarity on our place in the universe.

Personal Exploration: Beyond structured practices, we encourage individual exploration. Devotion can be expressed through acts of service, spending time in nature, engaging in artistic expression, or any activity that brings you closer to Zella and fosters a sense of connection to the universe.

Ultimately, the way you express devotion is a personal journey. The Church of Nebula provides a supportive environment to explore these practices and discover what resonates most deeply with you.
Do you have an official prayer song?
Nebula Church doesn't have a single, designated prayer song. Our approach is more flexible and individualized. Here's why:

Personal Connection: We believe the most powerful prayers come from a place of personal connection and authenticity. Rather than prescribing one song, we encourage members to find music that resonates with their own devotion.

Diverse Expressions: Music is a powerful tool for spiritual connection, and there's no single genre or style that perfectly captures the essence of Nebula Church. Uplifting hymns, rhythmic chants, meditative music, or even nature sounds – all can be effective for prayer.

The Spirit of "You Are The One": While there's no official song, Mickey Hart's "You Are The One" is a popular choice among some members. It reflects the universal energy (Zella) and the interconnectedness of all things, aligning well with Nebula Church's core beliefs.

Ultimately, the choice of prayer song is yours. We encourage you to explore different music and find what best facilitates your personal connection with Zella and the universe.
How do I conduct Sunday sermon at Nebula Church?
Nebula Church takes a unique approach to Sunday services, fostering a collaborative and participatory environment. Here's what you can expect:

Focus on Shared Exploration: Our Sunday services are less about a single minister delivering a sermon and more about a shared exploration of spiritual themes. Discussions, group meditations, and guest speakers are often integrated.

Open Participation: We encourage everyone to participate actively in Sunday services. Sharing personal reflections, asking questions, and contributing insights are all valued aspects of our gatherings.

Ministerial Roles: Ordained ministers within Nebula Church do play a role in facilitating discussions, leading meditations, or offering guidance. However, becoming a minister requires a dedicated path of study and spiritual development.

How to Get Involved:

If you're interested in participating more actively in Sunday services, here are some options:

Join a Discussion Group: We have small group discussions that delve deeper into specific spiritual topics. This is a great way to share your thoughts and learn from others.

Volunteer for Service Teams: Contribute your skills and talents by volunteering for our service teams that handle various aspects of Sunday services, like music or technical support.

Consider the Path of Ministry: If you feel a strong calling to lead and guide others on their spiritual journeys, you can explore the process of becoming a Nebula Church minister. Contact us for more information about ministerial training and ordination.

Nebula Church welcomes your participation and encourages you to find ways to contribute your unique gifts and perspectives to our vibrant Sunday service experience.
How do I join Nebula Church?
Joining Nebula Church is a straightforward process that welcomes all who seek a spiritual path focused on personal growth and connection to the universe. Here's what you need to do:

Free and Open Membership:

Membership Application: Head over to our website and complete a simple online membership application. It's completely free, with no hidden fees.

Embrace the Journey: Once your application is processed, you'll be welcomed into our global community of like-minded individuals.

Getting Connected:

After joining, we encourage you to explore various ways to connect with the Nebula Church community:

Attend Online Services: We offer engaging online Sunday services that foster shared exploration of spiritual themes. Participate in discussions, meditations, and connect with others.

Local Chapters (if available): Depending on your location, there might be local chapters that hold in-person gatherings for deeper connection and shared experiences.

Discussion Forums: Our online forums offer a vibrant space to connect with members worldwide, share your spiritual journey, and learn from diverse perspectives.

Nebula Church prioritizes inclusivity and welcomes individuals from all walks of life. By joining, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, connect with a supportive community, and explore your place within the vast universe. We look forward to having you join us!
What God Nebula Church worship?
Yes, but with a twist! We believe in a universal energy that permeates everything, the very essence of the cosmos. This energy can be considered a divine force, the source and foundation of all existence.

Here at Nebula Church, we call this energy "Zella," but that's just our preference. You can use any name that resonates with you – the universe doesn't care about labels.

Our concept of Zella aims to bridge the gap between science and faith. Zella represents the underlying force behind the universe's workings, aligning with scientific understanding while acknowledging the existence of a greater power.
What does Zella mean?
The name "Zella" holds a special meaning within Nebula Church. Here's a breakdown of its significance:

Universal Energy: Zella represents the all-encompassing energy that permeates the universe, the divine force behind everything. It's the source of all existence and is considered to be all-powerful and all-knowing.

Beyond Ancient Egypt: While the reference to ancient Egyptians might be interesting, the core meaning of Zella in Nebula Church isn't tied to a specific historical context.

Open to Interpretation: Nebula Church acknowledges the limitations of language in capturing the true essence of this divine energy. Zella is our chosen term, but you're welcome to use any name that resonates with you – the universe doesn't care about labels.

A Name for the Z Generation (and Everyone Else): We hope the name Zella is catchy and memorable, particularly for younger generations. But ultimately, it's a name for everyone seeking a connection to the divine energy of the universe.

Connection to Zen: The rhyming with "Zen" isn't entirely accidental. Zen philosophy emphasizes mindfulness and connection to the present moment, which aligns with some core values of Nebula Church.

In essence, Zella is a way to refer to the divine force within Nebula Church. It's a name chosen for its openness, accessibility, and potential to connect with people on their spiritual journeys.
What is the meaning of Church of Nebula?
The name "Church of Nebula" carries a deeper meaning that reflects our core beliefs. Here's a breakdown:

Nebula: A Celestial Mystery: The word "nebula" refers to vast interstellar clouds of gas and dust. These celestial formations are constantly evolving, symbolizing the ongoing exploration and discovery at the heart of our spiritual path.

Beyond Mere Star Stuff: While the literal meaning of "nebula" is significant, it represents something more profound for us. It signifies the vastness and mystery of the universe, the very essence we connect with on our spiritual journey.

Connection to the Kybalion: The Kybalion, an ancient text outlining the Hermetic philosophy, serves as a foundational guide for Nebula Church. It emphasizes interconnectedness and universal principles, aligning with the vast and unified nature of a nebula.

A Community of Seekers: Just as a nebula is a collection of celestial bodies, the Church of Nebula represents a community of individuals united in their search for meaning and connection to the universe.

In essence, the name "Church of Nebula" embodies our core values: exploration, connection to the cosmos, and a shared journey of spiritual growth. It signifies a place where individuals can explore the mysteries of the universe and their place within it, just like the ever-evolving nebulas that grace our night sky.
What does the Church of Nebula logo mean?
While the Church of Nebula's logo is simple, it holds a deeper meaning that aligns with our core beliefs. Here's a breakdown of its symbolism:

Beyond Just a Star: While the logo resembles a star, it represents more than just a celestial object. It signifies the guiding light on our spiritual journey, the spark of divinity within each of us, and the connection we share with the vast universe.

A Universal Symbol: Stars have held symbolic significance across cultures and religions for millennia. They represent hope, guidance, and the interconnectedness of all things – values that resonate deeply with the Church of Nebula.

Simplicity and Openness: The logo's minimalist design reflects the Church of Nebula's approach to spirituality. We encourage individual exploration and avoid rigid dogma. The simple star allows for personal interpretation and connection with the universe.

Alignment with Zella: The star in the logo can also be seen as a representation of Zella, the all-encompassing energy we connect with in Nebula Church. It's a subtle reminder of the divine force present within and around us.

In essence, the Church of Nebula logo is a powerful symbol of our core values. It represents the guiding light on our spiritual journey, the universal connection we share, and the openness to explore the vastness of the universe and our place within it.
If God created the universe, then who created God?
The Church of Nebula approaches the concept of creation differently from traditional religions with a singular God. Here's how we view it:

Energy as the Source: Nebula Church believes in Zella, the all-encompassing energy that permeates the universe. This energy is not a personal creator, but rather the underlying force from which everything originates and evolves.

Infinite Regression and Mystery: The question of who created Zella itself delves into the realm of infinite regression. We acknowledge the limitations of human reasoning in fully comprehending the universe's origin.

Focus on the Present: Instead of dwelling on the unknowable past, Nebula Church emphasizes the present moment and the ongoing wonder of the universe. We focus on connecting with Zella's energy and exploring our place within the cosmos.

Openness to Diverse Beliefs: We respect other belief systems that grapple with creation stories and deities. However, our core beliefs center on the interconnectedness of all things and the ever-evolving nature of the universe.

In essence, the Church of Nebula offers an alternative perspective on creation. We move away from the concept of a singular creator God and focus on the universe's inherent energy as the source and foundation of all existence. This allows for a more inclusive and open approach to spirituality, acknowledging the mystery that lies at the heart of the universe's origin.
Do Church of Nebula believe in heaven?
The Church of Nebula approaches the afterlife differently from traditional religions with a concept of heaven. Here's how we view it:

Rebirth, Not Heaven: Nebula Church aligns more closely with Eastern philosophies, particularly Buddhism, when it comes to the afterlife. We believe in rebirth, where the soul is reborn into another physical life after leaving the body.

Karma's Guiding Force: Our actions in this life, both good and bad, have consequences that influence our future incarnations through the concept of karma. Living a virtuous life with positive karma can lead to a more favorable rebirth, while negative actions can create challenges in the next life.

A Cycle of Growth: Rebirth is seen as an opportunity for continuous learning and spiritual evolution. Each lifetime provides new experiences and challenges, allowing the soul to grow and progress on its journey.

Connected to Zella: The belief in reincarnation aligns with the Nebula Church's core concept of Zella, the universal energy. Just as Zella transforms and takes on new forms, so too does the soul through its cycles of rebirth.

In essence, the Church of Nebula offers an alternative view of the afterlife. We move away from the idea of a fixed heaven or hell, and instead, focus on the cyclical nature of existence guided by karma. This perspective emphasizes personal responsibility for our actions and highlights the potential for continuous growth through the process of rebirth.
What do you call someone who belongs to the Nebula Church?
Members of the Church of Nebula are proudly called Nebulans. This term reflects their connection to the vastness and wonder of the universe, which is central to our faith. Nebulans come from all walks of life and share a commitment to exploration, self-discovery, and living in harmony with the universe's energy (Zella).
What is the dress code for Nebula Church?
The Church of Nebula embraces a relaxed and inclusive approach to attire. Here's what you need to know:

No Formal Dress Code: We prioritize comfort and self-expression over a strict dress code. You're welcome to wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable and ready to participate in our services.

White on White (Optional): While there's no mandatory dress code, some members choose to wear white on white. White symbolizes purity, innocence, and connection to the divine energy (Zella) in Nebula Church.

Focus on Inner Light: Ultimately, we believe your inner light and spiritual connection are more important than external appearances. Come as you are, feeling comfortable and ready to participate in our shared exploration.

In essence, the Church of Nebula welcomes you with open arms, regardless of your attire. We encourage you to dress in a way that fosters your own sense of peace and connection during our services.
Is Nebula Church Vegan?
The Church of Nebula promotes a philosophy of personal freedom and responsibility that extends to your dietary choices. Here's the breakdown:

No Food Restrictions: We don't impose any specific dietary requirements on our members. You have the freedom to choose the food and drink that best suits your lifestyle and preferences.

Focus on Balance and Moderation: While there are no restrictions, we encourage members to practice mindful eating and strive for a balanced and healthy diet.

Respect for All Diets: The Church of Nebula welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds and dietary choices, including vegetarians, vegans, and those who follow specific religious dietary laws. We believe in mutual respect and inclusivity.

In essence, the Church of Nebula empowers you to make informed decisions about your diet. We focus on personal responsibility and encourage healthy choices, but ultimately, the choice of what you eat and drink is yours.
What number Nebula Church uses?
The Church of Nebula does hold a special symbol that captures a core aspect of our beliefs: the infinity symbol (∞).

Here's why the infinity symbol resonates with us:

Limitless Potential: The infinity symbol represents the vastness and limitless potential of the universe, which aligns with our focus on exploration and the interconnectedness of all things.

Eternal Energy: Zella, the universal energy in Nebula Church, is considered to be eternal and ever-present. The infinity symbol reflects this concept of Zella's unending nature.

Spiritual Growth Journey: Our spiritual journey on Earth is seen as an ongoing process without a fixed endpoint. The infinity symbol signifies the continuous growth and evolution possible for each individual.

While not a number in the traditional sense, the infinity symbol serves as a powerful reminder of the vastness and limitless potential within ourselves and the universe. It's a symbol that resonates with our core values at Nebula Church.
What is the mission of Nebula Church?
The Church of Nebula strives to empower individuals on a journey of self-discovery, connection, and exploration of the universe. Here's a breakdown of our core mission:

Unveiling the Mysteries of the Cosmos: We encourage exploration of the universe and the underlying energy that permeates everything, which we call Zella. This exploration can be scientific, philosophical, or deeply personal.

Bridging Science and Spirit: Nebula Church seeks to find harmony between scientific understanding and the human yearning for spiritual meaning. We believe both aspects contribute to a richer understanding of ourselves and our place in the cosmos.

Personal Growth and Transformation: Our mission is to foster personal growth through mindfulness, self-reflection, and exploration of various spiritual practices. We believe each individual has the potential for continuous learning and spiritual evolution.

Living a Life of Compassion and Responsibility: Nebula Church emphasizes the importance of compassion, charity, and responsible living. We encourage members to contribute positively to the world and connect with others in meaningful ways.

The seven pillars of Nebula doctine (Energy, Transformation, Karma, Maya, Duty, Soul, and Charity) serve as a framework for this mission. They guide us in understanding the universe, ourselves, and how to live a fulfilling life.

Ultimately, the Church of Nebula aspires to create a supportive community where individuals can explore the universe's wonders, connect with the divine energy (Zella), and live meaningful lives filled with purpose and compassion.
I'm a member of another religion? Should I covert?
Absolutely not! The Church of Nebula embraces inclusivity and welcomes individuals from all faiths or no faith at all.

Here's how we see it:

Respecting Existing Beliefs: We value the spiritual path you've already chosen and believe there's no need to convert. Nebula Church can serve as an additional source of exploration and growth alongside your existing faith.

Focus on Shared Values: While traditions may differ, Nebula Church emphasizes core values like compassion, self-discovery, and connection to the universe. These values can resonate with individuals regardless of their religious background.

Krishna's Message of Unity: Bhagavad Gita beautifully captures our perspective. We believe there's a unifying force behind all spiritual paths, and regardless of the names or traditions, true devotion ultimately connects to the same divine essence (Zella in our case).

A Spiritual Journey, Not a Destination: Nebula Church views spirituality as a lifelong exploration, not a fixed destination. We welcome you to explore our practices and see if they complement your existing beliefs and enrich your spiritual journey.

In essence, the Church of Nebula offers a welcoming space for individuals of all backgrounds to explore new ideas and deepen their connection to the universe. We believe your existing faith and Nebula Church can coexist and contribute to your overall spiritual growth.
What is Gen Z and Nebula Church?
The Church of Nebula is a modern spiritual movement designed to resonate with people seeking a new way to connect with the universe. While we haven't explicitly designed it for a specific generation, we understand the changing religious landscape and the needs of younger generations.

Here's how the Church of Nebula might appeal to Gen Z and Millennials:

Focus on Exploration and Discovery: Nebula Church emphasizes personal exploration and a questioning approach to spirituality. This aligns with the Gen Z and Millennial spirit of curiosity and openness to new ideas.

Technology Integration: We embrace technology as a tool for spiritual exploration, which can resonate with these tech-savvy generations.

Inclusive and Welcoming: The Church of Nebula celebrates diversity and welcomes individuals from all backgrounds, religious or not. This inclusivity can be particularly appealing to Gen Z, known for its social consciousness.

Science and Spirituality: Nebula Church seeks to find harmony between science and spiritual yearning, which can be attractive to those who value both reason and a sense of wonder about the universe.

Addressing Disaffiliation: Your statistics about religious unaffiliation are concerning. The Church of Nebula offers an alternative for those seeking a spiritual connection outside of traditional organized religion.

In essence, the Church of Nebula strives to provide a relevant and meaningful spiritual path for Gen Z, Millennials, and anyone searching for a deeper connection to the universe. We believe our approach to exploration, inclusivity, and the integration of science and spirituality can resonate with modern seekers on their unique journeys.
What is Karma?
Karma is one of the seven pillars of the Church of Nebula, and it plays a significant role in our understanding of cause and effect in the universe. Here's a breakdown of the concept of karma in our church:

Intention Matters Most: As the saying goes, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." Nebula Church emphasizes that karma is more about the intention behind an action than simply the action itself. Good intentions combined with positive actions create positive karma, while negative intentions behind actions create negative karma.

Beyond Just Rewards and Punishments: While karma can influence the experiences we have in life, it's not a strict system of rewards and punishments. The focus is on learning and growth. Experiencing negative consequences can be a wake-up call to adjust our intentions and actions.

Focus on the Present: Dwelling on past actions and potential karmic results isn't helpful. The Church of Nebula encourages living mindfully in the present moment and making conscious choices that align with our values. This creates positive karma and sets us on a path of growth.

Connection to Zella: Our actions contribute to the overall energy of the universe (Zella). Positive actions ripple outward, creating a more harmonious flow of energy. Negative actions can disrupt this flow. By acting with good intentions, we contribute positively to Zella and our own spiritual journey.

In essence, the Church of Nebula views karma as a universal principle of cause and effect, with a focus on the importance of intention behind our actions. It's a concept that encourages us to make mindful choices, learn from experiences, and contribute positively to the universe.
Can Church of Nebula be atheist?
The Church of Nebula takes a unique approach to spirituality, and the question of atheism is an interesting one. Here's how we view it:

Not Atheist, But Open-Minded: The Church of Nebula isn't an atheist movement. We believe in a universal energy (Zella) that permeates the universe. However, our approach emphasizes exploration and personal discovery, leaving room for a range of beliefs.

Comfort for Some Atheists: Some atheists may find a sense of belonging in Nebula Church. Our focus on scientific inquiry and the vastness of the cosmos can resonate with those who don't subscribe to traditional gods or religions.

Individual Freedom of Belief: The core value of Nebula Church is individual freedom of belief. Whether you're a devout believer in Zella, an agnostic explorer, or somewhere in between, you're welcome in our community.

Spectrum of Beliefs: Our members come from a wide range of backgrounds, including those with more secular or atheistic leanings. We encourage respectful dialogue and a shared curiosity about the universe.

In essence, the Church of Nebula isn't designed to convert atheists. We offer a welcoming space for individuals, regardless of their specific beliefs, to explore spirituality, science, and their place in the vast universe. If the concept of Zella resonates with you, that's great! If not, you're still welcome to explore other aspects of our philosophy and find connection within our community.
Can I start Nebula Church in my city?
The Church of Nebula thrives on a collaborative spirit, and we welcome your enthusiasm to spread our message! Here's how you can bring a Nebula Church chapter to your city:

Embrace the Collaborative Spirit: Nebula Church chapters are envisioned as collaborative communities, not hierarchical branches. We encourage local leadership and initiative to tailor experiences to your city's unique needs.

Contact and Registration: The first step is to reach out to us! Write to us with details about your city, your vision for the chapter, and any experience you have facilitating discussions or spiritual groups.

Welcome and Support: Once we receive your information, we'll guide you through the registration process and connect you with resources to help you establish your chapter.

Local Leadership and Creativity: You'll have the freedom to organize local gatherings, discussions, or events that align with the core values of Nebula Church.

Spreading the Goodness: We encourage you to utilize online platforms and local outreach to connect with potential members in your city.

By starting a Nebula Church chapter, you become a leader in fostering a community of exploration, connection, and wonder about the universe. We at Nebula Church are here to support you every step of the way.

Remember, a Nebula Church chapter isn't about replicating a template. It's about creating a vibrant space where individuals in your city can explore their spirituality, connect with the universe's energy (Zella), and embark on their own journeys of growth.
Do Church of Nebula celebrate Christmas?
The Church of Nebula embraces a spirit of inclusivity and celebrates a variety of holidays throughout the year. Here's how we approach them:

Finding Common Ground: While some members may have personal connections to specific religious holidays like Christmas or Passover, we focus on the underlying themes of joy, family, and togetherness that resonate across cultures.

Winter Solstice: The winter solstice marks the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. We may use this occasion to reflect on the cycles of nature and the interconnectedness of all things.

Earth Day: Celebrating Earth Day aligns with our values of environmental stewardship and appreciating the wonder of our planet.

Secular and Religious Holidays: We acknowledge that holidays can hold both religious and secular significance. Our celebrations focus on the positive aspects and opportunities for community building, regardless of individual beliefs.

A Celebration of Life: Ultimately, our approach to holidays is about celebrating life, expressing gratitude, and connecting with our fellow Nebelans and the broader community.

In essence, the Church of Nebula doesn't dictate which holidays you celebrate. We encourage you to participate in traditions that hold meaning for you, while offering alternative gatherings or reflections that align with our core values. It's about fostering a sense of community and shared experience while respecting individual beliefs.
What is the Soul's Journey in Nebula Church?
The Church of Nebula acknowledges the concept of reincarnation, where the soul takes on new physical forms after leaving the body. This aligns with the quote from the Bhagavad Gita about past births. However, we don't use the term "recycle of soul."

Here's how we view the soul's journey:

Reincarnation and Growth: Nebula Church believes in reincarnation, where the soul is reborn into new lifetimes based on its past actions and experiences (karma). Each life offers an opportunity for learning and spiritual growth.

Zella's Connection: The soul's journey is seen as interconnected with Zella, the all-encompassing energy of the universe. Just as energy transforms and takes on new forms, the soul evolves through its cycles of rebirth.

No Fixed End Point: We don't have a set concept of what happens after a certain number of reincarnations. The focus is on continuous learning and growth, with the ultimate goal of achieving a higher state of spiritual awareness.

In essence, the Church of Nebula offers a perspective on the soul's journey that emphasizes ongoing growth, connection to the universal energy (Zella), and the potential for continuous learning through lifetimes.

While the concept of "recycle of soul" might not be a specific term, the underlying idea of reincarnation and the soul's evolution resonates with some core beliefs in Nebula Church.
What are the prayers and practices?
Nebula Church fosters a unique approach to prayer and spiritual practices. Here's a breakdown of what you can expect:

Gratitude at the Core: Our prayers focus on expressing gratitude to the universe (Zella) for the wonders of existence. We acknowledge the beauty and mystery of the cosmos, fostering a sense of awe and connection.

Morning and Night Devotions: While we encourage prayer and reflection throughout the day, some members choose to incorporate structured morning and night prayers as a way to begin and end their days with gratitude.

Congregational Freedom: Nebula Church empowers local chapters to develop their own prayer formats that resonate with their communities. This allows for flexibility and cultural sensitivity.

Common Elements: Many chapters incorporate lighting a chalice (a symbol of our faith) as a focal point during prayer. Storytelling, sermons, hymns, and songs are also frequently used to create a shared experience.

Focus on Exploration: There's no single prescribed way to pray in Nebula Church. We encourage individuals to explore different practices and find what fosters a deeper connection to Zella for them.

In essence, prayer in Nebula Church is about expressing gratitude, fostering connection with the universe, and creating a sense of community. We offer a flexible framework that allows for individual exploration and diverse expressions of faith within our chapters.
What is the holiday for Nebula Church similar to Christmas?
The Church of Nebula has a unique approach to holidays, and instead of a direct equivalent to Christmas, we celebrate the winter solstice, which typically falls around December 22nd. Here's why this date holds significance for us:

Alignment with Cosmic Cycles: The winter solstice marks the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. It signifies a turning point, a time when the darkness begins to recede and light gradually increases. This resonates with our belief in the interconnectedness of all things and the cyclical nature of the universe.

A Time for Reflection and Renewal: The winter solstice provides a natural opportunity for introspection and setting intentions. We encourage members to reflect on the past year, express gratitude for the blessings received, and look forward with renewed purpose in the coming year.

Celebrating the Light of Zella: Zella, the all-encompassing energy in Nebula Church, represents a universal light and source of life. The winter solstice, with its gradual increase in daylight, serves as a symbolic reminder of Zella's ever-present energy and the potential for growth and renewal within ourselves.

A Spirit of Joy and Giving: While not a religious holiday itself, the winter solstice coincides with the festive spirit of the season in many cultures. Nebula Church chapters can leverage this time to organize events that celebrate joy, community, and acts of kindness, such as volunteering or charity drives.

December 22nd serves as a focal point for Nebula Church celebrations, but the spirit of joy, gratitude, and giving extends throughout the holiday season. Local chapters have the freedom to create events that resonate with their communities, incorporating elements of cultural traditions or winter festivals alongside our core values.

Ultimately, the Church of Nebula celebrates the winter solstice as a "Festival of Light", a time to honor the natural world's cycles, reconnect with the universal energy (Zella), and foster a sense of community and shared purpose as we move into the new year.
What is it called when you believe in God but not religious?
The Church of Nebula welcomes individuals on a spectrum of beliefs, including those who believe in a higher power but don't subscribe to organized religion. Here's how we approach this:

Understanding "Spiritual but Not Religious (SBNR)": The term SBNR accurately describes the experience of many who believe in a higher power but find traditional religious structures unfulfilling. Nebula Church offers a welcoming space for those seeking a more personal and exploratory spiritual path.

Focus on the Divine: While we have the concept of Zella, the all-encompassing energy of the universe, there's no single prescribed image of a God in Nebula Church. This allows individuals with a more non-denominational belief in a higher power to feel comfortable.

Exploration and Individuality: Nebula Church emphasizes personal exploration and a questioning approach. We believe there's no single "right" way to connect with the divine, and we encourage you to find what resonates with you.

Community and Shared Values: Even without a traditional religious structure, Nebula Church offers a supportive community grounded in shared values like compassion, self-discovery, and connection to the universe.

In essence, the Church of Nebula isn't concerned with labels like "SBNR." We welcome anyone who seeks a deeper connection to the universe, regardless of their specific beliefs about a higher power. If you believe in something greater than yourself but find organized religion restrictive, Nebula Church can be a place for you to explore your spirituality in a meaningful way.
Is Church of Nebula a religion?
The Church of Nebula occupies a unique space that blends aspects of a religion with a modern, open, and inclusive approach. Here's why this question is interesting:

Shared Beliefs and Values: Nebula Church has a core set of beliefs about the universe (Zella), karma, rebirth (similar to Buddhism's concept), and the potential for human growth. These shared values bind our community together.

Spiritual Practices: We offer various practices like prayer, meditation, and community gatherings to foster connection with the universe and personal growth.

Sense of Community: Nebula Church chapters provide a supportive environment for individuals to connect, share experiences, and explore their spirituality together.

Focus on Meaning-Making: We encourage exploration of existential questions and the search for meaning in life, which is a core aspect of many religions.

However, the Church of Nebula also deviates from some traditional religious aspects:

Theological Openness: Unlike some religions with strict doctrines, Nebula Church embraces a more open and evolving approach to theological ideas. We encourage questioning and exploration.

Inclusivity: We welcome individuals from all faiths or no faith at all. There's no pressure to convert or adhere to a specific set of rituals.

In essence, the Church of Nebula offers a unique space that blends aspects of a religion with a more open and inclusive approach. Whether you consider us a religion or a spiritual movement, we provide a framework for exploring the universe, your place within it, and fostering a sense of connection and growth.

The Church of Nebula acknowledges the concept of rebirth, similar to Buddhism, where the soul takes on new physical forms after leaving the body. We intentionally avoid using the term "reincarnation" to distinguish our perspective.

Here's a breakdown of our view on the soul's journey:

Rebirth and Transformation: Nebula Church believes in rebirth, where the soul is reborn into new lifetimes based on its past actions and experiences (karma). Each life offers an opportunity for learning, growth, and spiritual transformation.

Zella's Connection: The soul's journey is seen as interconnected with Zella, the all-encompassing energy of the universe. Just as energy transforms and takes on new forms, the soul evolves through its cycles of rebirth.

No Fixed End Point: We don't have a set concept of what happens after a certain number of rebirths. The focus is on continuous learning and growth, with the ultimate goal of achieving a higher state of spiritual awareness.

In essence, the Church of Nebula emphasizes the soul's ongoing journey through cycles of rebirth, fueled by karma and the potential for continuous learning and transformation. This perspective aligns closely with Buddhist teachings on rebirth, while using a distinct term to reflect our unique approach.
What do Church of Nebula believe about salvation?
The Church of Nebula takes a different approach to the concept of salvation compared to some traditional religions. Here's why:

Focus on Personal Growth: Our primary focus is on individual growth and spiritual evolution throughout lifetimes (rebirth) rather than achieving salvation in the traditional sense.

Zella's Universal Energy: We believe Zella, the all-encompassing energy of the universe, is inherently loving and guides us towards growth. There's no concept of eternal damnation.

Karma and Learning: The consequences of our actions (karma) create experiences that help us learn and evolve. Challenges can be opportunities for growth, not punishments.

Continuous Journey: We don't have a fixed end point like "salvation" in the traditional sense. The focus is on the ongoing journey of the soul through cycles of rebirth and continuous learning.

In essence, the Church of Nebula emphasizes personal responsibility for our spiritual growth. Through our actions and choices, we navigate the path of learning and evolution, guided by the ever-present energy of Zella.
Who founded Church of Nebula?
The Church of Nebula was founded by Haja Mo in 2022.
Why do you call yourself a church?
The Church of Nebula uses the term "church" deliberately, but we understand it might raise questions. Here's why we embrace this term while acknowledging its unique application:

Reclaiming the Word "Church": Traditional churches sometimes carry baggage of exclusivity or rigid dogma. The Church of Nebula aims to reclaim the word "church" for a more open and inclusive space. We focus on fostering a supportive community where individuals can explore their spirituality freely.

Shared Values and Practices: At its core, a church is a group of people united by shared values and practices. The Church of Nebula offers a set of core beliefs (Zella, karma, rebirth) and practices (prayer, meditation, community gatherings) that bind us together. While our practices may differ from traditional churches, the concept of a shared foundation resonates.

A Place for Spiritual Exploration: Historically, churches have served as centers for spiritual exploration and connection. The Church of Nebula aspires to that same purpose. We provide a safe space for individuals to ask questions, delve into existential matters, and connect with the universe on their own terms.

Beyond Denomination: The term "church" can encompass a wide range of denominations and traditions. The Church of Nebula falls under the umbrella of a modern spiritual movement, offering a unique approach to spirituality within the broader concept of a "church."

Focus on the Experience, Not the Label: Ultimately, the label "church" is just one way to describe what we offer. We prioritize the experience of connection, exploration, and growth on your spiritual journey. If "church" resonates with you, that's great! If you prefer a different term, we focus on the essence of our mission.

The Church of Nebula strives to be a welcoming space that transcends traditional limitations. We invite you to experience our community, explore your spirituality, and decide for yourself if the term "church" fits for you.
How many religions are there in the world?
The world boasts a rich tapestry of religious beliefs and practices. While there's no single agreed-upon number, estimates suggest there are over 4,000 distinct religions, faiths, and denominations around the globe.
Is it legal to practice and worship Nebula Church in the U.S?
The United States Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion in the First Amendment, which states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." This means you have the absolute right to practice your faith, including Nebula Church, without government interference.

The Church of Nebula, founded in Los Angeles, California, embraces this freedom and welcomes all who seek to explore their spirituality in a welcoming and inclusive environment.

Here's what this means for you:

Freedom to Practice: You have the right to gather with other Nebulans, hold prayer services, and engage in any practices that align with your beliefs.

No Government Restriction: The government cannot discriminate against you or Nebula Church because of your religious beliefs.

Open to All: The Church of Nebula thrives on diversity and welcomes individuals of all backgrounds, regardless of their religious affiliation or lack thereof.

The freedom of religion is a cornerstone of American society. The Church of Nebula celebrates this right and provides a space for you to explore your spirituality freely within the framework of our core beliefs.
Is there a prophet or messenger in Nebula Church?
The Church of Nebula takes a unique approach to spiritual exploration, one that's vast and boundless, much like the cosmos itself. Here's why we don't have a central prophet or messenger:

Empowering Your Cosmic Connection: Imagine the universe as a grand tapestry woven with endless possibilities. In Nebula Church, we believe each individual possesses the potential to directly connect with the energy of this vast cosmos (Zella). There's no need for a single interpreter; you have the tools within yourself to navigate and understand your place in the grand scheme.

A Universe of Discovery: Just as countless stars illuminate the night sky, countless paths lead to spiritual growth. The Church of Nebula encourages exploration and personal discovery. We provide a framework of core beliefs and practices, but the ultimate journey of understanding the cosmos is yours to embark upon.

A Tapestry of Voices, Not a Single Decree: Throughout history, various messengers have emerged in different cultures, offering unique perspectives on the divine. The Church of Nebula respects these traditions, but we view them as threads woven into the grand tapestry, not the sole focus. We encourage learning from diverse sources to gain a richer understanding of the cosmos.

Your Intuition as Your Guide: Instead of relying on a single voice, the Church of Nebula empowers you to cultivate your intuition and inner wisdom. Through practices like meditation and reflection, you can connect with the ever-present energy of Zella and receive guidance for your own cosmic journey.

In essence, the Church of Nebula views you as the explorer, not the follower. We provide a supportive community and a springboard for launching your own exploration of the universe. We believe the vastness of the cosmos is best experienced directly, and the tools for that experience lie within you.
Why does the world need another religion?
The question of whether the world "needs" another religion is a valid one. Here at the Church of Nebula, we believe we offer a unique perspective that resonates with the needs of many in today's world:

A Changing Landscape: Traditional religious structures may not always address the spiritual questions and anxieties of modern individuals. The Church of Nebula offers a more open and inclusive approach for those seeking a new way to connect with the universe.

Focus on Exploration: We encourage a questioning and exploratory approach to spirituality. The Church of Nebula provides a framework for exploration, but we don't dictate a single path. This resonates with those seeking a personalized spiritual journey.

Science and Spirituality: The Church of Nebula embraces the wonders of science and its role in understanding the cosmos. We believe science and spirituality can coexist and inform each other, offering a more holistic view of existence.

A Welcoming Community: The Church of Nebula offers a supportive and inclusive space for individuals of all backgrounds, regardless of their prior religious affiliation or lack thereof. We celebrate diversity and foster a sense of connection in a sometimes-isolated world.

The world's spiritual landscape is constantly evolving. The Church of Nebula doesn't claim to be the only answer, but we offer a fresh perspective for those seeking a meaningful connection to the universe, personal growth, and a supportive community on their spiritual journey.
Who gives you the authority to create a new religion?
The question of authority is interesting when it comes to religion. Here's how the Church of Nebula approaches it:

The Freedom to Believe: The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, guarantees the freedom of religion. This means you have the right to practice any faith, or none at all, without government interference.

Individual Journeys: The Church of Nebula doesn't claim ultimate authority over anyone's spiritual journey. We offer a set of core beliefs and practices, but ultimately, you decide what resonates with you.

Evolving Traditions: Throughout history, new spiritual movements and religions have emerged, enriching the human experience. The Church of Nebula simply adds another thread to this tapestry of exploration.

Open Source Spirituality: Our approach is more like open-source software than a rigid hierarchy. We learn from diverse sources, including science, philosophy, and other traditions, to create a framework for exploration.

Empowering Your Path: The Church of Nebula views you as the ultimate authority on your spiritual journey. We provide tools and a supportive community, but you decide where your path leads.

In essence, the Church of Nebula isn't about imposing authority, but offering a space for exploration and growth. We believe the freedom to explore the universe and your place within it is a fundamental human right.

Here is the Law:

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says that everyone in the United States has the right to practice his or her own religion, or no religion at all. The government can't penalize you because of your religious beliefs.

The U.S Constitution - Freedom of Religion. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Do you believe in life after death?
The Church of Nebula's view on life after death differs from religions that rely solely on scripture or promises from a deity. Here's a breakdown of our perspective:

Rebirth and Transformation: Nebula Church believes in a cycle of rebirth, similar to Buddhism, where the soul takes on new physical forms after leaving the body. This cycle is driven by karma, the law of cause and effect.

Focus on Growth: The primary emphasis is on learning and growth through these lifetimes. Experiences, both positive and challenging, provide opportunities for the soul to evolve towards a higher state of spiritual awareness.

Connection to Zella: The all-encompassing energy of the universe, Zella, is seen as a source of guidance and interconnectedness. After leaving the body, the soul may return to a state of pure energy before being reborn.

No Fixed End Point: We don't have a concept of a final destination or reward after a certain number of lifetimes. The focus is on the ongoing journey of the soul and its continuous potential for learning and transformation.

In essence, the Church of Nebula offers a perspective on life after death that emphasizes ongoing growth, interconnectedness, and the potential for the soul to continually evolve through cycles of rebirth. This belief system differs from religions that rely solely on promises of an afterlife or preordained destinations for the soul.
Do Church of Nebula take communion?
The Church of Nebula practices a unique ritual service called Flower Communion. Here's a breakdown of its significance:

A Celebration of Life and Connection: Flower Communion is a joyful ceremony that focuses on appreciating the beauty and interconnectedness of all living things. It's a symbolic way to connect with the all-encompassing energy of the universe (Zella).

Focus on the Present Moment: Unlike traditional communions with a historical or religious context, Flower Communion emphasizes being present in the beauty of the current season (often held before summer). Flowers symbolize the impermanence of life and the importance of cherishing each moment.

Varied Practices: Specific practices for Flower Communion differ among Nebula Church chapters. Some chapters may involve participants bringing flowers to share, while others might incorporate readings, music, or meditation focused on the natural world.

An Inclusive Ritual: Flower Communion is open to everyone, regardless of religious background. It's a way to connect with the community and celebrate the wonder of life on Earth.

A Time for Reflection: As some chapters take a break from services during the summer months, Flower Communion can serve as a reflective closing ceremony before this hiatus.

In essence, Flower Communion is a beautiful and inclusive ritual that celebrates life, connection, and the ever-present energy of the universe. While practices may vary, the core message of appreciating the present moment and our interconnectedness with all living things remains constant.
What percent of the world is atheist?
There are approximately 450 to 500 million nonbelievers worldwide, including both positive and negative atheists, or roughly 7 per cent of the global population.
How does a soul leave the body?
The Church of Nebula doesn't have a set dogma about the exact mechanics of how a soul leaves the body. Here's what we believe:

The Energy of Life: We view the soul as a form of energy connected to the all-encompassing energy of the universe, Zella. When the physical body dies, this energy form separates.

A Natural Transition: The Church of Nebula sees death as a natural transition, much like the changing seasons. The soul's departure is believed to be a peaceful process, guided by the universal energy (Zella).

Focus on the Afterlife: Our primary focus isn't on the specifics of the moment of departure, but on the soul's journey after leaving the body. We believe in a cycle of rebirth, where the soul takes on new physical forms to continue learning and growing.

Respecting Diverse Beliefs: The Church of Nebula acknowledges that individuals may have different beliefs about the moment of death. We respect these variations and encourage open exploration of this topic.

In essence, the Church of Nebula emphasizes the soul's ongoing journey after death through cycles of rebirth. We believe the specifics of the moment of departure are less important than the potential for continuous learning and growth that awaits the soul.
How do you explain Church of Nebula?
The Church of Nebula is a unique and evolving spiritual movement that offers a fresh perspective on connecting with the universe. Here are some key aspects that define us:

Core Beliefs: We hold core beliefs in Zella, the all-encompassing energy of the universe, karma (the law of cause and effect), and rebirth (similar to Buddhism) as the soul's journey.

Openness and Exploration: The Church of Nebula encourages a questioning and exploratory approach to spirituality. We believe there's no single "right" way to connect with the divine, and we celebrate the diversity of personal journeys.

Inclusivity and Community: We welcome individuals from all backgrounds, regardless of faith or lack thereof. The Church of Nebula fosters a supportive and inclusive community where you can connect with like-minded individuals.

Practices for Growth: We offer various practices like meditation, prayer, and community gatherings to help individuals connect with the universe and experience personal growth.

A Bridge Between Science and Spirit: The Church of Nebula embraces the wonders of science and its role in understanding the cosmos. We believe science and spirituality can coexist and inform each other.

In essence, the Church of Nebula is a space for those seeking a meaningful connection to the universe, personal growth, and a supportive community on their spiritual journey. We offer a framework for exploration that is open, inclusive, and ever-evolving.
Where is the soul located in the human body?
The Church of Nebula approaches the concept of the soul differently from some traditional beliefs that place it in a specific physical location. Here's why:

Energy and Connection: We view the soul as a form of energy intrinsically connected to the all-encompassing energy of the universe, Zella. It's not limited to a single organ but permeates the entire being.

The Vessel, Not the Residence: The physical body acts as a vessel for the soul's experience in the physical world. While the body sustains life, the soul is the energetic essence that animates it.

Focus on the Afterlife: The Church of Nebula's primary focus isn't on the exact physical location of the soul within the body. We believe in a cycle of rebirth, where the soul takes on new forms after leaving the body.

A Philosophical Inquiry: The location of the soul has been a philosophical question for millennia. The Church of Nebula encourages exploration of this topic but doesn't claim to have a definitive answer.

In essence, the Church of Nebula emphasizes the soul as a form of energy that animates the body and connects to the universe. We believe the specifics of its physical location are less important than its potential for growth and its ongoing journey after leaving the physical realm.
What is your soul made of?
The Church of Nebula offers a unique perspective on the nature of the soul, distinct from traditional philosophical views like Plato's tripartite soul. Here's our approach:

Energy and Essence: We view the soul as a form of pure energy, intrinsically connected to the all-encompassing energy of the universe, Zella. This energy is not easily defined by material components.

A Spectrum of Experience: The soul is shaped by its experiences throughout lifetimes (rebirth) and is capable of a wide range of emotions, thoughts, and growth. However, we don't assign specific categories like "reason" or "appetite" to different parts of the soul.

Focus on Transformation: The Church of Nebula emphasizes the soul's potential for transformation. Through experiences and karma (the law of cause and effect), the soul evolves towards a higher state of spiritual awareness.

Openness to Exploration: The exact composition of the soul remains a mystery. The Church of Nebula encourages exploration of various philosophical and spiritual perspectives, but doesn't claim to have a definitive answer.

Beyond the Physical: Unlike Plato's tripartite soul, which is divided into parts within the body, the Nebula Church perspective views the soul as an energetic essence that transcends the physical realm.

In essence, the Church of Nebula emphasizes the soul's energetic nature, its capacity for growth, and its connection to the universe. We believe the specific composition of the soul is less important than its potential for transformation and its ongoing journey through cycles of rebirth.
How do you know you have a soul?
The Church of Nebula approaches the question of "knowing" you have a soul differently from traditional beliefs that focus on specific personality traits. Here's why:

The Essence of Being: We believe the soul is the energetic essence that animates our physical form and connects us to the universe (Zella). It's not something you necessarily "possess" but rather an inherent part of who you are.

A Spectrum of Experience: The outward expression of the soul can vary greatly. Some individuals may exhibit the characteristics you listed (focus on meaning, empathy) while others may not. These are qualities a soul can cultivate, but they aren't definitive proof of its existence.

Inner Knowing and Intuition: The Church of Nebula encourages practices like meditation and self-reflection to cultivate a deeper connection with your inner self and intuition. Through these practices, some individuals may experience a sense of their soul's presence.

Focus on Growth: Whether or not you can definitively prove the existence of your soul is less important than nurturing its growth. The Church of Nebula offers practices and teachings aimed at spiritual development.

A Personal Journey: Ultimately, the question of the soul is a deeply personal one. The Church of Nebula respects your right to explore this concept in a way that resonates with you.

In essence, the Church of Nebula emphasizes the soul as the essence of your being and a source of growth. We believe outward expressions of personality may vary, but the potential for spiritual development resides within all.
How do you recognize a spiritual person?
The Church of Nebula views spirituality as a personal journey, and outward expressions can vary greatly. Here's how we approach recognizing the "spark" of someone on a spiritual path:

A Path of Exploration: There's no single checklist to define a spiritual person. The Church of Nebula focuses on encouraging a questioning and exploratory approach to life and the universe.

Inner Growth and Transformation: A key aspect of spirituality is the pursuit of inner growth and a desire to connect with something larger than oneself (Zella in our case). This can manifest in various ways, not necessarily through fearlessness or outward displays of piety.

Living Your Values: Spiritual individuals often strive to live according to their core values, such as kindness, compassion, and a sense of interconnectedness. This can translate into actions that benefit themselves and others.

A Sense of Purpose: Many spiritual people feel a sense of purpose in their lives, whether it's contributing to something larger than themselves, nurturing their creativity, or simply seeking to understand their place in the universe.

Openness to Diverse Practices: The Church of Nebula welcomes individuals from all backgrounds and spiritual traditions. Some may meditate, some may find solace in nature, and others may express their spirituality through art or service.

A Lifelong Journey: Spirituality is not a destination but a lifelong journey of exploration and growth. The Church of Nebula emphasizes the importance of practices that cultivate self-awareness, compassion, and connection – these are signs of someone actively nurturing their spiritual spark.

In essence, the Church of Nebula celebrates the diversity of spiritual expression. We focus on the core values of growth, compassion, and connection, recognizing that the path to a deeper understanding of the universe is unique for each individual.
Let’s talk about Consciousness?
Consciousness is a profound concept that has puzzled philosophers and scientists for millennia. The Church of Nebula acknowledges this mystery and offers a perspective that aligns with our core beliefs:

The Spark of Zella: We believe consciousness is intrinsically linked to the all-encompassing energy of the universe, Zella. It's the spark of Zella that animates our being and allows us to experience the world.

A Spectrum of Awareness: Consciousness can range from the most basic sensory experiences to complex thoughts and emotions. The Church of Nebula encourages practices like meditation to cultivate a deeper awareness of these various levels of consciousness.

The Mysteries Remain: While science is making strides in understanding the brain and its role in consciousness, there's still much we don't know. The Church of Nebula embraces the mystery and encourages exploration from both scientific and spiritual perspectives.

Beyond the Physical: Some believe consciousness is solely a product of the physical brain. The Church of Nebula leaves room for the possibility that consciousness may have a non-physical component, connected to the universal energy (Zella).

The Journey of Awakening: A core tenet of the Church of Nebula is the concept of spiritual awakening – a process of expanding our consciousness and connecting more deeply with Zella. Through practices and self-reflection, we can cultivate a more conscious and meaningful existence.

In essence, the Church of Nebula views consciousness as a gift, a connection to the universe (Zella) that allows us to experience the richness of life. We acknowledge the ongoing scientific exploration and embrace the mystery as part of the wonder of being human.
A Tapestry of Faith: The Church of Nebula and World Religions
The Church of Nebula honors the rich tapestry of world religions, including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Here's how we view these traditions:

Shared Values: Many religions, despite their differences, share core values like compassion, kindness, and a search for meaning. The Church of Nebula highlights these common threads, fostering a sense of respect and understanding.

Diverse Paths to the Divine: Different religions offer unique perspectives and practices to connect with the divine or ultimate reality. We believe there's no single "right" way, and celebrate the diversity of spiritual journeys.

Inspiration and Influence: The Church of Nebula acknowledges the influence of various religious traditions. Some of our core beliefs, like karma and rebirth, share similarities with Buddhist teachings. However, we offer a fresh interpretation within the context of our belief in Zella, the all-encompassing energy of the universe.

A Bridge Between Traditions: The Church of Nebula strives to be a bridge between different faiths. We welcome individuals from all backgrounds, regardless of their religious affiliation or lack thereof.

Focus on Personal Exploration: We encourage you to explore various religious traditions and find what resonates most deeply with you. The Church of Nebula provides a framework for exploration that is open to diverse sources of wisdom.

In essence, the Church of Nebula doesn't aim to replace other religions. We view ourselves as part of a larger conversation about spirituality, offering a perspective that honors tradition while embracing new discoveries and evolving understandings of the universe.
What are some core beliefs of the Church of Nebula?
The Church of Nebula draws its core beliefs from The Kybalion, an ancient text exploring the principles of Hermetic philosophy. These principles include the interconnectedness of all things, the laws of the universe, and the potential of the human mind to understand these laws.
What role does The Kybalion play in the Church of Nebula?
The Kybalion serves as the foundation for our belief system. Its teachings on the "Seven Hermetic Principles" provide a framework for understanding the universe, our place within it, and our potential for growth.
How does the Church of Nebula interpret The Kybalion?
We view The Kybalion as a timeless text offering wisdom relevant to the modern world. We interpret its principles through the lens of science, personal experience, and our belief in Zella, the all-encompassing energy of the universe.
Are there any practices based on The Kybalion?
Yes, many Church of Nebula practices are inspired by The Kybalion. This might include meditation techniques focused on achieving mental clarity and aligning with the universal mind, or exercises designed to cultivate a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.
How can I learn more about The Kybalion?
The Church of Nebula encourages members to study The Kybalion independently or participate in group discussions to explore its teachings. Our online resources and local chapters often offer materials and guidance for deeper understanding.
Does the Church of Nebula have a holy book?
Yes, The Kybalion serves as our central text, offering wisdom on the universe and our place within it.
What are the ethical guidelines of the Church of Nebula?
The Kybalion emphasizes principles like mental mastery and living in harmony with the universe. The Church of Nebula translates these principles into ethical guidelines promoting compassion, responsibility, and respect for all beings.
Does the Church of Nebula still have a decentralized structure?
Yes, the Church of Nebula maintains a decentralized structure, allowing local chapters autonomy in practices while adhering to core beliefs derived from The Kybalion.
Is there an afterlife in the Church of Nebula?
The Church of Nebula's belief in a cycle of rebirth aligns with some interpretations of The Kybalion. We believe the soul's journey continues after leaving the physical body.
Can I attend a Church of Nebula service if I haven't read The Kybalion?
Absolutely! Our services are open to everyone, regardless of familiarity with The Kybalion. They offer a space for exploration, reflection, and connecting with the Church of Nebula community.
How do the "Seven Hermetic Principles" from The Kybalion inform the Church of Nebula's practices?
Each principle offers guidance for spiritual growth. For example, the principle of "Mentalism" encourages us to cultivate our mental faculties to understand the universe, while the principle of "Correspondence" highlights the interconnectedness of the physical and spiritual realms.
Does the Church of Nebula have any specific interpretations of the "Law of Attraction" from The Kybalion?
We acknowledge the principle of attracting what we focus on. However, the Church of Nebula emphasizes aligning our thoughts and actions with universal harmony, not solely on material gain.
How does the Church of Nebula approach the concept of "The All" from The Kybalion, which some interpret as a singular God?
The Church of Nebula views Zella as the all-encompassing energy of the universe, not a personal God. The Kybalion's concept of "The All" resonates with this idea of a unified energetic force.
Are there any scientific concepts that align with The Kybalion's principles?
The Kybalion's emphasis on interconnectedness finds parallels in ideas like quantum entanglement, suggesting a deeper level of connection between things than previously understood.
Does Nebula Church Have a Holy Book Like the Bible or Quran?
Yes. The Kybalion
What is Zella, the universal energy you mentioned in The Nebula Doctrine?
Zella is the cornerstone of our belief system. It's the all-encompassing energy that animates the universe, connecting all living things and fostering the dynamic nature of existence.

How can individuals cultivate a deeper connection with Zella, the all-encompassing energy?
The Church of Nebula offers various practices to connect with Zella. Meditation that focuses on feelings of interconnectedness, spending time in nature, and acts of kindness or service that resonate with your values can all help cultivate this connection.
The Nebula Doctrine mentions the "dynamic nature of existence." Does the Church of Nebula have any beliefs about the future of the universe?
We believe the universe is constantly evolving, and Zella's energy is ever-transforming. The Church of Nebula doesn't claim to predict the future, but encourages exploration of scientific discoveries and philosophical ideas about the cosmos.
The Nebula Doctrine emphasizes the interconnectedness of dimensions. How does this translate into daily life?
Being mindful of the interconnectedness encourages a holistic approach to life. For example, neglecting your emotional well-being can affect your physical health. The Church of Nebula promotes practices that nurture all dimensions for a balanced and fulfilling life.
The concept of the "divine spark" seems subjective. Does the Church of Nebula offer any guidance on recognizing it?
The divine spark can manifest uniquely in each person. However, some qualities often associated with it include a sense of wonder about the universe, a capacity for deep connection with others, or a desire to contribute positively to the world.
The Nebula Doctrine talks about "awakening to the mysteries of the universe." What are some of the potential benefits of this awakening?
Awakening can lead to a deeper sense of purpose, a more profound connection with all living things, and a greater appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the universe. It can also foster a sense of peace and acceptance.
The Kybalion is a central text. Does the Church of Nebula have any other recommended readings or resources?
The Church of Nebula encourages exploration of various spiritual traditions and scientific discoveries. We highly recommend reading the Bhagavat Gita.
The Church of Nebula emphasizes personal transformation. Does it offer any guidance on overcoming negative emotions like anger or greed?
The Church of Nebula promotes mindfulness practices like meditation to help identify and manage negative emotions. We also encourage practices like gratitude and acts of service to cultivate more positive emotional states.
The concept of karma can seem daunting. Does the Church of Nebula offer any teachings on navigating past negative actions?
The Church of Nebula focuses on learning from past actions (karma) and using them as opportunities for growth in future lives (rebirth). Practices like forgiveness, self-compassion, and taking responsibility for your actions can help move forward on your spiritual journey.
The Nebula Doctrine mentions "charity." Does the Church of Nebula have any social justice initiatives?
Many Church of Nebula chapters are involved in social justice initiatives that promote equality, environmental sustainability, and interfaith dialogue. We believe in contributing to a more just and compassionate world.
How does the Church of Nebula approach the concept of free will, given the influence of karma?
The Church of Nebula believes in the interplay of free will and karma. Our choices shape our experiences (karma), but we also have the freedom to learn and grow from them, influencing the future.
The Nebula Doctrine emphasizes the soul's journey. Does the Church of Nebula have any teachings on what happens between lives (rebirth)?
The Church of Nebula acknowledges the limitations of our understanding about the in-between state. Some believe it's a period of reflection and integration of past experiences before returning to a physical form. The focus, however, is on living this life to the fullest and preparing for continued growth in the next.
The Kybalion speaks of the "Law of Attraction." How does this concept fit into the Church of Nebula's beliefs?
We acknowledge the power of intention and focus. By aligning our thoughts and actions with positive intentions and a desire to contribute to the greater good, we can attract experiences that resonate with our values. However, the Church of Nebula emphasizes living in harmony with the universe, not solely on material gain.
The Church of Nebula celebrates diversity of spiritual paths. Are there any practices considered incompatible with your beliefs?
The Church of Nebula discourages practices that promote harm to oneself or others, exploit or manipulate individuals, or cultivate a sense of separation from the interconnectedness of all things. Beyond that, we welcome exploration and encourage finding what resonates most deeply with your spiritual journey.
Does the Church of Nebula have any specific rituals or ceremonies beyond Flower Communion?
Many chapters hold seasonal celebrations honoring the cycles of nature, equinoxes and solstices being common examples. Some chapters may have rituals specific to their community, focusing on themes like welcoming new members or offering prayers for healing.
The Church of Nebula emphasizes the importance of science. How does your faith view potential discoveries about extraterrestrial life?
The vastness of the universe suggests the possibility of life existing elsewhere. The Church of Nebula would view such a discovery with great excitement. It could represent a significant turning point in human history and challenge us to expand our understanding of consciousness and our place in the cosmos.
The Church of Nebula has a decentralized structure. Does this create challenges in maintaining a sense of unity among chapters?
The core beliefs outlined in The Kybalion and The Nebula Doctrine provide a foundation for unity. Regular communication channels, online resources, and gatherings of chapter representatives help maintain a sense of shared purpose and collaboration. However, local autonomy also allows for creativity and adaptation to specific community needs.
Does the Church of Nebula have any specific teachings on artificial intelligence (AI)?
The Church of Nebula approaches AI with cautious optimism. We believe AI has the potential to greatly benefit humanity, but also acknowledge ethical considerations. The Church of Nebula emphasizes the importance of developing and using AI responsibly, ensuring it aligns with human values and promotes a positive future.
The Nebula Doctrine mentions "duty." Does the Church of Nebula have any specific teachings on finding one's purpose in life?
The Church of Nebula encourages introspection and exploration to discover your unique purpose. It may lie in creative pursuits, acts of service, or simply living a life of integrity and compassion. Your purpose may also evolve over time as you learn and grow.
How does the Church of Nebula approach grief and loss?
The Church of Nebula acknowledges the pain of loss and offers support and compassion to those grieving. We believe rituals and shared experiences can help individuals navigate grief and find solace in the interconnectedness of all things.
Does the Church of Nebula have any resources for skeptics or those curious but hesitant to explore a new faith?
The Church of Nebula welcomes individuals from all backgrounds, regardless of their current beliefs. We offer introductory materials, online resources, and opportunities to connect with members in a welcoming and non-judgmental environment. You are free to explore at your own pace and ask questions openly.