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LGBTQ Rights

The Church of Nebula embraces a vision far removed from traditional notions of worship. We turn our gaze not to deities, but to the awe-inspiring energy that animates the cosmos – the boundless force we call Zella (or any term that resonates with your experience of the divine). This energy isn't a distant entity to be supplicated; it's the very essence of existence, the source of the universe's magnificent tapestry.

A Community that Celebrates Diversity

At the core of the Church of Nebula lies a fundamental belief: love and acceptance for all. We celebrate the rich tapestry of human experience, recognizing the inherent beauty and value in every individual. The LGBTQ+ community is an integral part of this tapestry, and we welcome them with open arms.

Love Knows No Bounds

We believe that love, in all its beautiful forms, is a reflection of the harmonious flow of Zella. Whether it's romantic love, platonic love, or love for family and friends, these connections enrich our lives and contribute to the vibrant symphony of existence. The LGBTQ+ community embodies this diversity of love, and we celebrate their right to express and experience love authentically.

A Safe Space for All

The Church of Nebula strives to be a safe space where everyone feels welcome and respected, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. We believe that all people are created equal, deserving of love, compassion, and the opportunity to live their lives authentically. Our practices and rituals are open to everyone, and we encourage open and honest dialogue within our community.

Building a Brighter Future Together

By fostering inclusivity and celebrating the LGBTQ+ community, we contribute to building a brighter future. We believe that a world where love and acceptance prevail is a world that aligns with the harmonious flow of Zella. Together, we can create a future where everyone feels empowered to live authentically and contribute their unique gifts to the world.
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