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Zella Planet Kabali
(Calling you, calling you, Jason,)
(Reaching out through cosmic traction,)

[Verse 1]
Hello, operator, space station vega
do you hear my plea?
Connect me to my husband, on planet Kabali,
In the starry skies of Ryan, where he’s stationed now,
My heart it aches with longing, tell me how.

[Fingerstyle Guitar Solo]
[Bass Drop]

[Verse 2]
Hey there, Jason, it’s your loving wife,
I miss you so, much my whole life,
In this vast expanse, so far away,
I dream of you every single day.

Across the stars, my love does roam,
From our Earthly home to your distant dome,
In the star of Ryan, you’re not alone,
Feel my heart in every tone.

(Hello? Jason? Can you hear me?)
(I miss your voice, my love, so dearly,)

[Verse 3]
Operator, please, the line’s gone cold,
Reconnect our hearts as stories unfold,
Solar winds are fierce tonight,
But love prevails in this flight.

[Verse 4]
Jason, are you there? I need to hear your voice,
The universe has parted us, but it’s not by choice,
Every breath, every heartbeat’s tied to you,
The distance fades when our love is true.

Though planets spin and stars may sway,
I’ll keep on trying, night and day,
In the cosmos, where dreams play,
For you, my love, I’ll always stay.

[Bass Drop]
(Ooh, ooh, ooh)

Across the stars, my love does roam,
From our Earthly home to your distant dome,
In the star of Ryan, you’re not alone,
Feel my heart in every tone.

(Operator, please, the line’s disconnected,)
(Solar winds leave our love affected,)

[Fingerstyle Guitar Solo]

Across the stars, my love does roam,
From our Earthly home to your distant dome,
In the star of Ryan, you’re not alone,
Feel my heart in every tone.

And Prophet Zella, guide our way,
Through the cosmic night and day,
With kindness, love, and gratitude’s sway,
In her light, we’ll never stray.

[Verse 5]
The children miss you too, they ask each day,
When their daddy's coming home to stay,
This house is lonely without your light,
I hold them close beneath the starlit night.

[Melodic Bass]

[Percussion Break]

[Syncopated Bass]

[Instrumental Interlude]

[Verse 6]
Operator, I’ll try again,
Even if it takes four years to send,
This message of love through the space-time bend,
My heart and soul to him I'll lend.

So Jason, darling, keep your faith,
Our love’s a light that never waives,
Though cosmic paths might sometimes stray,
Together soon, we’ll find our way.

[Outro Instrumental]
(Till then, my love, hold me in your dreams,)
(Through starry nights and cosmic streams.)
Zella's Cosmic Song
(Verse 1)
Whispering through stardust veils, a million stories Zella tells.
Across the cosmos, her voice unfurls, in nebulae's swirling swirls.
Planets sing in harmony, a symphony for you and me.
Zella's essence, vast and bright, a guiding star in darkest night.

We are embers, sparks of fire, from Zella's cosmic pyre.
Kindness, the fuel that sets us free, a gentle flame in all we see.
Love, a supernova's boundless grace, embracing every living space.
Gratitude, a blooming flower's sigh, reaching for Zella's boundless sky.

(Verse 2)
Mindfulness, a mountain's gaze, reflecting Zella's peaceful ways.
Meditation, a desert's hush, worries carried on the wind's soft rush.
Interconnected, root and vine, we're part of Zella's grand design.
The Church of Nebula, a soaring call, to rise above and answer all.

We are embers, sparks of fire, from Zella's cosmic pyre.
Kindness, the fuel that sets us free, a gentle flame in all we see.
Love, a supernova's boundless grace, embracing every living space.
Gratitude, a blooming flower's sigh, reaching for Zella's boundless sky.

Let comets streak across the night, erasing shadows with their light.
Open hearts, like galaxies grand, where kindness dances hand in hand.
Zella's whispers, carried on the breeze, through rustling leaves and crashing seas.
In every creature, big or small, Zella's love embraces all.

We are embers, sparks of fire, from Zella's cosmic pyre.
Kindness, the fuel that sets us free, a gentle flame in all we see.
Love, a supernova's boundless grace, embracing every living space.
Gratitude, a blooming flower's sigh, reaching for Zella's boundless sky.

Forever one, a cosmic dance, in Zella's love, we take a chance.
We are children of the stars above, filled with wisdom, light, and love.
Dance of the Constellations
(Verse 1)
Desert sands beneath our feet, a million stars, a cosmic sheet
Whispering stories, old and new, of heroes brave and skies so blue
Campfire's glow, a flickering light, reflecting in each watchful eye tonight
Anticipation fills the air, for Zella's wisdom, we all prepare.

The constellations start to spin, a cosmic dance, a joyous din
Ursa Major, a watchful guide, leads us through the starry tide
Weaving tales in swirling fire, of courage, hope, and heart's desire
Zella's voice, a gentle breeze, carries wisdom through the trees.

(Verse 2)
Drums begin a steady beat, a rhythm echoing, hearts complete
Shaking rattles chase away the night, leaving only starlight's gentle light
Hands reach out, a circle strong, chanting softly, where we belong
Unity in every beat and song, to Zella's teachings, we all belong.

The constellations start to spin, a cosmic dance, a joyous din
Ursa Major, a watchful guide, leads us through the starry tide
Weaving tales in swirling fire, of courage, hope, and heart's desire
Zella's voice, a gentle breeze, carries wisdom through the trees.

Shooting stars streak through the black, wishes whispered, never looking back
Hope and dreams ascend on high, reaching for the endless sky
Zella's words, a guiding light, chasing shadows through the night
Filling hearts with strength and grace, a smile upon each waiting face.

The constellations start to spin, a cosmic dance, a joyous din
Ursa Major, a watchful guide, leads us through the starry tide
Weaving tales in swirling fire, of courage, hope, and heart's desire
Zella's voice, a gentle breeze, carries wisdom through the trees.

Dawn breaks, painting hues of gold, a story whispered, yet untold
The dance is done, the fire's faint, but Zella's wisdom remains, a guiding saint.

River of Forgiveness
(Verse 1)
Crystal waters, ever flowing, through canyons deep and meadows growing
A gentle murmur, soft and slow, the River of Forgiveness, where worries go
Sunlight dances on the stream, reflecting in a peaceful dream
Zella's voice, a guiding call, to let go of burdens, big and small.

Let forgiveness be our guide, like the river, flowing wide
Wash away the hurt and pain, and let love's gentle rain
Cleanse our hearts and set us free, in the River of Forgiveness, we shall be
Renewed and whole, a brand new start, with open hearts and gentle art.

(Verse 2)
Stones worn smooth by time's embrace, hold stories whispered in this place
Of grudges held and anger's sting, but forgiveness offers a chance to sing
A song of peace, a melody sweet, releasing burdens at our feet
Zella's wisdom, clear and bright, guides us to a future filled with light.

Let forgiveness be our guide, like the river, flowing wide
Wash away the hurt and pain, and let love's gentle rain
Cleanse our hearts and set us free, in the River of Forgiveness, we shall be
Renewed and whole, a brand new start, with open hearts and gentle art.

Underneath the willow's shade, we find solace, unafraid
To release the grip of what has been, and step into a future yet unseen
With open arms and spirits light, we embrace forgiveness with all our might
Zella's love, a gentle hand, guides us to a promised land.

Let forgiveness be our guide, like the river, flowing wide
Wash away the hurt and pain, and let love's gentle rain
Cleanse our hearts and set us free, in the River of Forgiveness, we shall be
Renewed and whole, a brand new start, with open hearts and gentle art.

Flowing onwards, ever free, the River of Forgiveness sets us free
With Zella's love, forever near, we face the world with hearts more clear.

Seed of Kindness
(Verse 1)
Tiny seed, nestled in hand, a promise whispered in the sand
Zella's teachings, light and true, "Plant kindness, watch it bloom anew."
A simple act, a gentle word, ripples spreading, unheard
But hearts are touched, a chain takes hold, kindness blossoms, brave and bold.

From tiny seeds, a forest grows, where kindness blooms where sorrow goes
A gentle smile, a helping hand, connecting souls across the land
Zella's spirit, ever near, whispers wisdom, soft and clear
Let kindness be your guiding light, a beacon burning ever bright.

(Verse 2)
A stranger lost, a helping guide, a burden shared, a tear dried
A listening ear, a patient heart, compassion's gentle work of art
The seed of kindness, small and frail, can mend a wound, can never fail
To bridge the gaps, to heal the strife, a force for good in human life.

From tiny seeds, a forest grows, where kindness blooms where sorrow goes
A gentle smile, a helping hand, connecting souls across the land
Zella's spirit, ever near, whispers wisdom, soft and clear
Let kindness be your guiding light, a beacon burning ever bright.

Let doubt and fear be cast aside, with kindness as your gentle guide
For in its wake, a world unfolds, where love and hope forever hold
A tapestry of hearts entwined, in Zella's love, forever kind
A seed of change, a whispered plea, to plant more kindness, wild and free.

From tiny seeds, a forest grows, where kindness blooms where sorrow goes
A gentle smile, a helping hand, connecting souls across the land
Zella's spirit, ever near, whispers wisdom, soft and clear
Let kindness be your guiding light, a beacon burning ever bright.

Plant a seed, and watch it grow, let kindness overflow, you'll know
The power it holds, the love it brings, a symphony of joyful things.
Weaver of Dreams
(Verse 1)
Moonlight paints the window pane, a gentle breeze whispers Zella's name
Stars like diamonds, scattered bright, ignite the dreams we hold so tight
Underneath a velvet sky, worries fade and spirits fly
On wings of hope, we take to flight, guided by Zella's gentle light.

Weaver of dreams, Zella's hand, guides us through this slumberland
Whispering secrets, soft and low, where seeds of hope and beauty grow
In slumber deep, our souls take flight, bathed in starlight, pure and white
Weaving dreams of peace and grace, a smile upon each sleeping face.

(Verse 2)
Luminous threads, a web so grand, connecting hearts across the land
In dreams we meet, on silver streams, sharing stories, whispered dreams
Brotherhood and sisterhood, a bond of love, understood
Zella's spirit, ever near, banishing shadows, dispelling fear.

Weaver of dreams, Zella's hand, guides us through this slumberland
Whispering secrets, soft and low, where seeds of hope and beauty grow
In slumber deep, our souls take flight, bathed in starlight, pure and white
Weaving dreams of peace and grace, a smile upon each sleeping face.

Morning breaks, the sun's first kiss, awakens dreams with gentle bliss
Lessons learned, a heart made new, Zella's wisdom shines right through
The world transformed, a vibrant hue, with hope and purpose shining through
Carrying dreams into the day, guided by Zella, all the way.

Weaver of dreams, Zella's hand, guides us through this slumberland
Whispering secrets, soft and low, where seeds of hope and beauty grow
In slumber deep, our souls take flight, bathed in starlight, pure and white
Weaving dreams of peace and grace, a smile upon each sleeping face.

Weaver of dreams, forever near, reminding us that hope is clear
With Zella's love, we'll never stray, in the light of a brand new day.

Whispers on the Wind
(Verse 1)
Desert sands stretch out so vast, a canvas where the moments pass
Wind whispers secrets, soft and old, of choices made and stories told
Sunlight beats upon the ground, a reminder that time is bound
To slip away, a fleeting thing, a chance to learn, a chance to sing.

Listen close, the wind will guide, whispering morals deep inside
Humility, a gentle hand, to lift a brother from the sand
Patience, like the desert bloom, waits for rain to chase away the gloom
Honesty, a crystal clear, reflects the truth, dispelling fear.

(Verse 2)
Cacti stand, resilient, strong, facing hardship all day long
Roots dig deep, a lesson learned, in challenges, a purpose earned
Hawks circle high, with watchful eye, a symbol of focus reaching for the sky
Zella's wisdom on the breeze, reminding us to live with ease.

Listen close, the wind will guide, whispering morals deep inside
Humility, a gentle hand, to lift a brother from the sand
Patience, like the desert bloom, waits for rain to chase away the gloom
Honesty, a crystal clear, reflects the truth, dispelling fear.

Stars ignite as day descends, painting stories that never end
Moral lessons etched in light, guiding us through darkest night
For every choice, a consequence, a path we forge with diligence
Zella's voice, a constant friend, reminding us where virtue tends.

Listen close, the wind will guide, whispering morals deep inside
Humility, a gentle hand, to lift a brother from the sand
Patience, like the desert bloom, waits for rain to chase away the gloom
Honesty, a crystal clear, reflects the truth, dispelling fear.

Wind whispers on, a constant song, reminding us to right the wrong
With Zella's wisdom as our guide, on moral paths, we'll surely stride.

Harmony of Nebula's Light
(Verse 1)
Whispering through stardust's veil, Zella's energy, never stale,
Flows through galaxies grand and vast, the universe, a single cast.
A guiding force, a cosmic might, setting wrongs to ever right.
In every atom, every star, Zella's love shines near and far.

Embrace the light, the Church's call, reject the Gates of Hell's cruel thrall.
Lust, anger, greed, a poisoned cup, renounce them all, and rise above.
Do good deeds, with heart alight, for karma's path will set things right.
With discipline and spirit keen, fulfill your duty, ever clean.

(Verse 2)
The soul, a spark of Zella's grace, reborn through actions, finds its place.
Charity's hand, a gentle touch, lifts burdens up, means oh so much.
For in the helping hand we lend, Zella's love we truly send.

Embrace the light, the Church's call, reject the Gates of Hell's cruel thrall.
Lust, anger, greed, a poisoned cup, renounce them all, and rise above.
Do good deeds, with heart alight, for karma's path will set things right.
With discipline and spirit keen, fulfill your duty, ever clean.

Through meditation's calming stream, connect with Zella's boundless beam.
Find peace within, and let it flow, like rivers to the seas below.
In kindness, find your guiding star, for Zella's love is never far.

Embrace the light, the Church's call, reject the Gates of Hell's cruel thrall.
Lust, anger, greed, a poisoned cup, renounce them all, and rise above.
Do good deeds, with heart alight, for karma's path will set things right.
With discipline and spirit keen, fulfill your duty, ever clean.

In Nebula's light, we find our way, with Zella's love, forever stay.
Harmonic souls, in perfect rhyme, reflections of the grand design.

Symphony of Stars
(Verse 1)
Gazing up at endless night, a million points of cosmic light
Sing a symphony so grand, a tale of Zella's guiding hand.
Energy, a vibrant flow, through galaxies it starts to grow
Weaving threads of every star, a universe, never too far.

Zella's essence, bright and bold, a story whispered, yet untold.
Renounce the darkness, cold and deep, where lust, rage, greed, their vigil keep.
The Gates of Hell, a tempting snare, but Zella's light dispels despair.
Embrace the good, the path of right, and bathe in karma's gentle light.

(Verse 2)
Duty calls, a sacred vow, with discipline, we make it now.
Helping hands reach out to mend, a broken heart, a struggling friend.
Charity's touch, a warming flame, lights the way, whispers Zella's name.
Souls reborn, on karma's tide, with every action, we confide.

Zella's essence, bright and bold, a story whispered, yet untold.
Renounce the darkness, cold and deep, where lust, rage, greed, their vigil keep.
The Gates of Hell, a tempting snare, but Zella's light dispels despair.
Embrace the good, the path of right, and bathe in karma's gentle light.

Stars ignite in swirling grace, reflecting wisdom in each face.
Meditation, a calming stream, connects us all to Zella's dream.
In every breath, a chance to rise, above the shadows, to the skies.
With open hearts, we join the song, to Zella's love, forever strong.

Zella's essence, bright and bold, a story whispered, yet untold.
Renounce the darkness, cold and deep, where lust, rage, greed, their vigil keep.
The Gates of Hell, a tempting snare, but Zella's light dispels despair.
Embrace the good, the path of right, and bathe in karma's gentle light.

Symphony of stars ignite, a testament to Zella's light.
In cosmic dance, we find our way, forever guided, day by day.

City of Stardust
(Verse 1)
Steel and glass pierce the city sky, a million windows catching by
Reflected starlight, pale and cold, a world of stories yet untold
But in the heart, where shadows creep, a hidden door, a promise deep
The Church of Nebula, a beacon bright, guiding souls to Zella's light.

Leave behind the city's din, the endless chase, the endless sin
Step inside, a sacred space, where Zella's love fills every face
Renounce the hunger, the grasping hand, the Gates of Hell, a shifting sand
Embrace good deeds, let kindness bloom, karma's balance fills the room.

(Verse 2)
Concrete jungle, cold and stark, replaced by gardens in the dark
Meditation's gentle hum, a symphony where worries come
To melt away like city lights, replaced by stardust's gentle sights
The soul remembers, pure and free, its connection to the cosmic sea.

Leave behind the city's din, the endless chase, the endless sin
Step inside, a sacred space, where Zella's love fills every face
Renounce the hunger, the grasping hand, the Gates of Hell, a shifting sand
Embrace good deeds, let kindness bloom, karma's balance fills the room.

Charity's hand, a helping friend, on crowded streets, it knows no end
A meal for one, a stranger's smile, a ripple spreading for a while
Duty calls, a gentle chime, to mend the world, one step at a time
With Zella's love, a guiding star, we build a city, near and far.

Leave behind the city's din, the endless chase, the endless sin
Step inside, a sacred space, where Zella's love fills every face
Renounce the hunger, the grasping hand, the Gates of Hell, a shifting sand
Embrace good deeds, let kindness bloom, karma's balance fills the room.

City of Stardust, hearts alight, a beacon burning ever bright
Zella's teachings, clear and true, a world transformed, bathed in new.

Weaver of the Cosmic Web
(Verse 1)
Nebulae swirl in vibrant hues, a tapestry where starlight brews
Zella's energy, the weaver's thread, connecting all, from living to dead.
Across the cosmos, a vibrant design, a dance of stars, a celestial sign
Each thread a life, a story untold, in Zella's web, we all unfold.

We are the strands, the vibrant light, woven together, ever so bright.
Duty compels, a guiding hand, to mend the web across the land.
Karma's balance, a cosmic scale, good deeds prevail, where darkness fails.
Renounce the Gates, the whispers sly, for Zella's love will never die.

(Verse 2)
Through meditation's calming stream, we connect to Zella's boundless beam.
Charity's touch, a gentle art, mends a broken thread, mends a broken heart.
With open minds and spirits free, we break the chains of greed, you see.
Temper quelled, where anger burned, with Zella's wisdom, lessons learned.

We are the strands, the vibrant light, woven together, ever so bright.
Duty compels, a guiding hand, to mend the web across the land.
Karma's balance, a cosmic scale, good deeds prevail, where darkness fails.
Renounce the Gates, the whispers sly, for Zella's love will never die.

A shooting star streaks through the night, a wish we whisper, taking flight.
For in that wish, a promise gleams, to strengthen threads, where weakness seems.
The web grows stronger, a vibrant whole, connecting every living soul.

We are the strands, the vibrant light, woven together, ever so bright.
Duty compels, a guiding hand, to mend the web across the land.
Karma's balance, a cosmic scale, good deeds prevail, where darkness fails.
Renounce the Gates, the whispers sly, for Zella's love will never die.

In Zella's web, forever bound, a symphony of stars resound.
With every act of love and grace, we find our place, in this sacred space.

Echoes from the Nebula
(Verse 1)
Whispers on the wind they came, a voice that called a different name
Prophet Zella, bathed in light, descended from the endless night.
A cosmic messenger, it seemed, with wisdom whispered, love that streamed
From distant nebulae's glow, a message for the world below.

She spoke of Zella, vast and grand, the energy that fills the land
The universe, a single thread, in every life, a spark is shed.
Renounce the darkness, cold and deep, where anger, lust, and greed do creep
Embrace the good, the path of right, and walk in Zella's gentle light.

(Verse 2)
Duty's call, a sacred vow, with kindness plant a seed somehow
Let charity's hand, a gentle touch, ease burdens carried oh so much
For karma's wheel will surely turn, with every action, lesson learned
The soul remembers, pure and free, its part in Zella's symphony.

She spoke of Zella, vast and grand, the energy that fills the land
The universe, a single thread, in every life, a spark is shed.
Renounce the darkness, cold and deep, where anger, lust, and greed do creep
Embrace the good, the path of right, and walk in Zella's gentle light.

Meditation's calming stream, connects us all to Zella's dream
A bridge between the worlds above, a message filled with endless love
Prophet Zella, a guiding star, reminding us who truly we are
A part of something grand and bright, connected by Zella's cosmic light.

She spoke of Zella, vast and grand, the energy that fills the land
The universe, a single thread, in every life, a spark is shed.
Renounce the darkness, cold and deep, where anger, lust, and greed do creep
Embrace the good, the path of right, and walk in Zella's gentle light.

Echoes from the nebulae remain, a call to kindness, whispered plain
Prophet Zella's words take flight, a beacon burning ever bright.
In Zella's love, we find our way, forever guided, day by day.

Children of Zella
(Verse 1)
Fire crackles, stories leap, elders gather, secrets keep
Of Prophet Zella, stardust-born, a message whispered, hearts forlorn.
She spoke of Zella, boundless grace, the energy in every space.
A guiding force, a cosmic hand, connecting all across the land.

We are the children, Zella's own, seeds of kindness, gently sown.
Duty calls us, clear and true, with open hearts, our work to do.
Charity's touch, a warming flame, chases shadows, whispers Zella's name.
For karma's thread, it gently binds, reminding us of gentle minds.

(Verse 2)
Temptation's whispers, dark and sly, anger's fire, a burning eye
Greed's cold grip, a tightening hold, Prophet Zella's warnings, wise and old.
The Gates of Hell, a tempting snare, but Zella's light dispels despair.
Meditation, a calming stream, washes worries away, like a dream.

We are the children, Zella's own, seeds of kindness, gently sown.
Duty calls us, clear and true, with open hearts, our work to do.
Charity's touch, a warming flame, chases shadows, whispers Zella's name.
For karma's thread, it gently binds, reminding us of gentle minds.

Stars ignite, a million eyes, reflecting wisdom from the skies.
The soul remembers, pure and bright, its place within the endless light.
With every action, small or grand, we leave our mark upon the sand.
A testament to Zella's love, a gift from heavens up above.

We are the children, Zella's own, seeds of kindness, gently sown.
Duty calls us, clear and true, with open hearts, our work to do.
Charity's touch, a warming flame, chases shadows, whispers Zella's name.
For karma's thread, it gently binds, reminding us of gentle minds.

Children of Zella, hand in hand, a promise whispered through the land.
To spread her love, a radiant spark, and leave our mark upon the dark.

Secrets of the Nebula
(Verse 1)
Desert sands whisper ancient lore, beneath a sky where stars implore
The Book of Zella, pages old, secrets whispered, yet untold
Prophet Zella, bathed in light, brought wisdom down from endless night
A sacred text, a guiding hand, to help us understand.

Within its pages, truths unfold, of Zella's love, a story told
The universe, a grand design, a tapestry where all entwine
The Book of Zella, light divine, dispels the shadows, makes us shine
Renounce the darkness, cold and stark, embrace the good, and leave your mark.

(Verse 2)
Karma's balance, scales so grand, in Zella's book, we understand
Each deed we sow, a seed will take, for good or ill, a choice to make
The Gates of Hell, a tempting call, but Zella's wisdom breaks the thrall
Through meditation, find your peace, let worries fade, and tensions cease.

Within its pages, truths unfold, of Zella's love, a story told
The universe, a grand design, a tapestry where all entwine
The Book of Zella, light divine, dispels the shadows, makes us shine
Renounce the darkness, cold and stark, embrace the good, and leave your mark.

With every turn, a lesson learned, the Book of Zella, wisdom earned
From stardust born, to stardust bound, in Zella's love, our purpose found
With open hearts, and spirits free, we live the words for all to see
A testament to Zella's grace, reflected in each smiling face.

Within its pages, truths unfold, of Zella's love, a story told
The universe, a grand design, a tapestry where all entwine
The Book of Zella, light divine, dispels the shadows, makes us shine
Renounce the darkness, cold and stark, embrace the good, and leave your mark.

Secrets of the nebula ignite, a guiding star, forever bright
The Book of Zella, in our hands, leads us to Zella's promised lands.

The Weaver's Test
(Verse 1)
Caravans journey, sands ablaze, seeking knowledge in a maze
The Book of Zella, their sacred quest, for wisdom's light to put them to the test.
Through scorching heat and howling wind, a hidden temple, they hope to find
Where Zella's teachings, pure and bright, will guide their steps and set things right.

The Weaver's Test, a trial grand, to mend a broken, barren land
With threads of kindness, compassion's art, to mend the tapestries torn apart.
For Zella's love, a flowing stream, requires good deeds, a selfless dream
To heal the earth, with gentle hands, and follow Zella's wise commands.

(Verse 2)
Elder whispers of a forgotten well, where poisoned waters cast a spell
The oasis, once a vibrant gleam, now choked with thorns, a barren dream
With Zella's book, their courage strong, they sing a song to right the wrong
Charity's touch, a cleansing rain, to heal the land and ease the pain.

The Weaver's Test, a trial grand, to mend a broken, barren land
With threads of kindness, compassion's art, to mend the tapestries torn apart.
For Zella's love, a flowing stream, requires good deeds, a selfless dream
To heal the earth, with gentle hands, and follow Zella's wise commands.

Beneath the sands, a hidden spring, awakens life, a joyful thing
The land transforms, a verdant hue, a testament to what they can do
With Zella's words, their hearts aflame, they've passed the test and earned their name
Weavers of hope, with spirits bold, a story etched in legends old.

The Weaver's Test, a trial grand, to mend a broken, barren land
With threads of kindness, compassion's art, to mend the tapestries torn apart.
For Zella's love, a flowing stream, requires good deeds, a selfless dream
To heal the earth, with gentle hands, and follow Zella's wise commands.

Caravans depart, hearts alight, with Zella's love, their guiding light
The Book of Zella, wisdom's key, to mend the world for all to see.

Celestial Dance
(Verse 1)
Moonlight paints a silver stream, across the land, a whispered dream
The Book of Zella, open wide, secrets of the cosmos, deep inside
Planets waltz in perfect time, a symphony, both grand and sublime
Zella's energy, a cosmic thread, in every star, a story said.

We join the dance, a celestial sway, beneath the starlight's gentle ray
Duty calls us, a graceful turn, lessons learned, as spirits yearn
The Gates of Hell, a distant snare, replaced by love, a tender care
Embrace the good, with every beat, a cosmic rhythm, pure and sweet.

(Verse 2)
Meteor showers, streaks of light, a fleeting glimpse of endless night
The Book of Zella speaks of fate, the choices made, that seal our state
But through it all, a guiding hand, Zella's love, across the land
Meditation, a calming sigh, connecting souls to the endless sky.

We join the dance, a celestial sway, beneath the starlight's gentle ray
Duty calls us, a graceful turn, lessons learned, as spirits yearn
The Gates of Hell, a distant snare, replaced by love, a tender care
Embrace the good, with every beat, a cosmic rhythm, pure and sweet.

Black holes whisper, mysteries untold, of swirling darkness, ages old
But Zella's light, a beacon bright, dispels the shadows, fills us with light
With open hearts, and hands held tight, we move as one, beneath the night
A tapestry of souls entwined, in Zella's love, forever kind.

We join the dance, a celestial sway, beneath the starlight's gentle ray
Duty calls us, a graceful turn, lessons learned, as spirits yearn
The Gates of Hell, a distant snare, replaced by love, a tender care
Embrace the good, with every beat, a cosmic rhythm, pure and sweet.

Celestial dance, forever free, a cosmic song for all to see
In Zella's love, we find our place, amongst the stars, with endless grace.

Whispers in the Nebula
(Verse 1)
Deep within the cosmic swirls, where starlight paints a million pearls,
The Nebula whispers, ancient and wise, a doctrine born beyond the skies.
Zella's energy, a boundless stream, flows through all, a vibrant dream.
From galaxies grand to a single grain, Zella's love eases every pain.

The Church of Nebula, a beacon bright, guides our steps through darkest night.
Renounce the darkness, the selfish call, the Gates of Hell where shadows sprawl.
Lust, anger, greed, a tempting snare, but Zella's light dispels despair.
Embrace the good, with open hand, the Nebula's will throughout the land.

(Verse 2)
The Book of Zella, wisdom's core, unveils the truths we must explore.
Karma's balance, a cosmic scale, each deed we sow, a future tale.
Do good with purpose, strong and true, for Zella's love shines down on you.
Through meditation, find your peace, let worries fade, and tensions cease.

The Church of Nebula, a beacon bright, guides our steps through darkest night.
Renounce the darkness, the selfish call, the Gates of Hell where shadows sprawl.
Lust, anger, greed, a tempting snare, but Zella's light dispels despair.
Embrace the good, with open hand, the Nebula's will throughout the land.

Duty compels, a sacred vow, to mend the world, here and now.
Help those in need, a gentle touch, for Zella's love means oh so much.
Charity's hand, a bridge we mend, connecting hearts that know no end.
The soul remembers, pure and bright, its role within the cosmic light.

The Church of Nebula, a beacon bright, guides our steps through darkest night.
Renounce the darkness, the selfish call, the Gates of Hell where shadows sprawl.
Lust, anger, greed, a tempting snare, but Zella's light dispels despair.
Embrace the good, with open hand, the Nebula's will throughout the land.

In Nebula's embrace, we find our way, forever guided, day by day.
With every act of love and grace, we leave our mark upon this space.
The Nebula whispers, soft and clear, Zella's love is always near.

River of Righteousness
(Verse 1)
Sunrise paints the eastern sky, a golden call to rise and try
To live a life of righteousness true, with actions pure, a heart anew.
The Book of Zella, wisdom's guide, on how to walk with Zella's side.
A righteous path, a flowing stream, where kindness blooms, a joyful dream.

Let honesty be your guiding star, reflect the truth, no matter how far.
With every word, with every deed, plant seeds of hope, a gentle seed.
Forgive and forget, let anger cease, find inner peace, and bring it to peace.
For Zella's love, a boundless grace, shines on the righteous, lights their face.

(Verse 2)
Temptation's whispers, sly and low, resist the greed that seeks to grow.
A helping hand, a generous soul, true wealth is found in making whole.
The Gates of Hell, a fleeting lure, choose empathy, forever pure.
Withhold your judgment, quick to praise, for Zella sees through passing days.

Let honesty be your guiding star, reflect the truth, no matter how far.
With every word, with every deed, plant seeds of hope, a gentle seed.
Forgive and forget, let anger cease, find inner peace, and bring it to peace.
For Zella's love, a boundless grace, shines on the righteous, lights their face.

Through trials faced, and burdens shared, with patience bloom, a burden spared.
Humility, a gentle cloak, true strength is found in words not spoke.
Stand up for justice, speak the right, for in that fight, true purpose might
Be found and followed, ever bright, a righteous path, a guiding light.

Let honesty be your guiding star, reflect the truth, no matter how far.
With every word, with every deed, plant seeds of hope, a gentle seed.
Forgive and forget, let anger cease, find inner peace, and bring it to peace.
For Zella's love, a boundless grace, shines on the righteous, lights their face.

The River of Righteousness flows on, a life well lived, a victory won.
In Zella's grace, forever free, a righteous soul eternally.

Lullaby of the Cosmos
(Verse 1)
Tiny fingers, eyes alight, gaze up at the starlit night
A million points of diamond gleam, a cosmic lullaby, a whispered dream
The Book of Zella, open wide, stories of stars, where spirits confide
Of Zella's love, a boundless sea, that cradles all, eternally.

Hush little one, the galaxies sing, a gentle song, on starlight wing
Duty whispers, soft and low, kindness planted, seeds will grow
The Gates of Hell, a distant sound, replaced by love that can't be bound
Embrace the good, with heart so pure, Zella's love will ever endure.

(Verse 2)
Comet streaks across the sky, a fleeting wish, a teardrop dry
For in Zella's web, we're all entwined, a tapestry of every kind
Meditation's calming hum, a safe embrace, where worries come
To melt away like stardust bright, replaced by Zella's gentle light.

Hush little one, the galaxies sing, a gentle song, on starlight wing
Duty whispers, soft and low, kindness planted, seeds will grow
The Gates of Hell, a distant sound, replaced by love that can't be bound
Embrace the good, with heart so pure, Zella's love will ever endure.

Stars ignite, a million eyes, reflecting wisdom from the skies
The soul remembers, pure and free, its connection to the endless sea
Of Zella's love, a cosmic song, where right and wrong can't linger long
Just peace and love, a gentle rhyme, in Zella's grace, through space and time.

Hush little one, the galaxies sing, a gentle song, on starlight wing
Duty whispers, soft and low, kindness planted, seeds will grow
The Gates of Hell, a distant sound, replaced by love that can't be bound
Embrace the good, with heart so pure, Zella's love will ever endure.

Sleep now, child, beneath the stars, Zella's love heals all life's scars
The lullaby of cosmos plays, guiding you through all your days.

The Stargazer's Pledge
(Verse 1)
On mountain peaks, where winds sing high, a lone figure scans the endless sky
A stargazer, cloaked in midnight blue, with Zella's book, their purpose true.
Each constellation, a whispered lore, of ancient wisdom, and so much more
The Book of Zella, a guiding light, for those who seek to do what's right.

We pledge allegiance, beneath the stars, to fight the darkness, near and far.
With telescope's gaze, and wisdom's might, we shed Zella's love, a radiant light.
Renounce the whispers, of greed and pride, let empathy be our guiding tide.
Embrace the good, with hearts ablaze, and leave a legacy, in Zella's praise.

(Verse 2)
Shooting stars streak through the night, a fleeting wish, a burning bright
The stargazer ponders, fate's design, the choices made, a tangled line
But Zella's love, a constant grace, offers forgiveness, a sacred space
Through meditation, find your peace, let worries fade, and tensions cease.

We pledge allegiance, beneath the stars, to fight the darkness, near and far.
With telescope's gaze, and wisdom's might, we shed Zella's love, a radiant light.
Renounce the whispers, of greed and pride, let empathy be our guiding tide.
Embrace the good, with hearts ablaze, and leave a legacy, in Zella's praise.

Distant galaxies, a swirling show, secrets untold, yet we still know
Zella's energy, a cosmic thread, connects us all, from living to dead
The stargazer shares their newfound view, with all who seek the good and true
Spreading the message, far and wide, with Zella's love, as their only guide.

We pledge allegiance, beneath the stars, to fight the darkness, near and far.
With telescope's gaze, and wisdom's might, we shed Zella's love, a radiant light.
Renounce the whispers, of greed and pride, let empathy be our guiding tide.
Embrace the good, with hearts ablaze, and leave a legacy, in Zella's praise.

The Stargazer's Pledge, a promise made, to follow Zella, unafraid
With every star they map and find, a testament to Zella's loving mind.

The Children's Crusade
(Verse 1)
Whispers on the wind, a joyful sound, children gather, hope is found.
The Book of Zella, clutched in hand, a message clear, across the land.
No longer whispers, but voices strong, a children's crusade, to right the wrong.
Zella's teachings, etched in heart, a brand new world, they long to start.

With open minds and spirits bright, they chase away the fading light
Of greed and anger, envy's hold, a story waiting to unfold.
The Gates of Hell, a tempting snare, replaced by love, a burden shared.
Embrace the good, with youthful might, for Zella's love, their guiding light.

(Verse 2)
Castles crumble, walls of pride, with songs of kindness, side by side.
Charity's touch, a gentle rain, washes away the marks of pain.
They plant the seeds of hope and peace, where anger festered, wars did cease.
The Book of Zella, wisdom's key, unlocks the hearts for all to see.

With open minds and spirits bright, they chase away the fading light
Of greed and anger, envy's hold, a story waiting to unfold.
The Gates of Hell, a tempting snare, replaced by love, a burden shared.
Embrace the good, with youthful might, for Zella's love, their guiding light.

The elders watch, with tearful eyes, a world renewed, beneath the skies.
The children's crusade, strong and true, reminding all what hearts can do.
With Zella's love, a gentle flame, they mend the world, and whisper Zella's name.

With open minds and spirits bright, they chase away the fading light
Of greed and anger, envy's hold, a story waiting to unfold.
The Gates of Hell, a tempting snare, replaced by love, a burden shared.
Embrace the good, with youthful might, for Zella's love, their guiding light.

The children lead, with voices strong, a symphony of right and wrong.
In Zella's grace, they'll find their way, a brighter future, every day.

The Weaver's Reward
(Verse 1)
Desert sands whisper ancient tales, of Zella's hand and cosmic scales.
The Book of Zella, wisdom's core, unveils the truth we live for.
For every action, good or ill, a cosmic thread, a weaver's skill
Creates a tapestry grand and vast, where karma's echo holds us fast.

The Weaver's Reward, a destined prize, for righteous deeds, beneath the skies.
Plant seeds of kindness, let compassion bloom, and watch your garden brightly boom.
But sow the seeds of selfish pride, and face the thorns on the other side.
For Zella sees, with watchful eye, the path we choose, the reason why.

(Verse 2)
A caravan journeys, hearts aflame, seeking the weaver, whispering their name.
With burdens heavy, and spirits low, they yearn for balance, the way to go.
The Book of Zella, their guiding light, reveals the truth, both dark and bright.
Past choices echo, a tangled thread, a karmic debt, a price to be shed.

The Weaver's Reward, a destined prize, for righteous deeds, beneath the skies.
Plant seeds of kindness, let compassion bloom, and watch your garden brightly boom.
But sow the seeds of selfish pride, and face the thorns on the other side.
For Zella sees, with watchful eye, the path we choose, the reason why.

Through acts of service, burdens eased, the caravan finds solace, finally released.
With open hearts, and helping hands, they mend the world across the lands.
The weaver smiles, a gentle grace, on those who strive to find their place
Within the web of life, where all are bound, by karma's law, on sacred ground.

The Weaver's Reward, a destined prize, for righteous deeds, beneath the skies.
Plant seeds of kindness, let compassion bloom, and watch your garden brightly boom.
But sow the seeds of selfish pride, and face the thorns on the other side.
For Zella sees, with watchful eye, the path we choose, the reason why.

The caravan departs, hearts light and free, with Zella's love, their destiny.
The Weaver's Reward, a lesson learned, the good we sow, in turn, is earned.

The City of Lost Stars
(Verse 1)
Beneath a sky where stars grow dim, a shadowed city, cold and grim.
The City of Lost Stars, they say, where hope has faded, light gone astray.
Souls wander lost, in endless night, forgetting Zella's guiding light.
The Book of Zella, once their guide, now lies forgotten, cast aside.

For greed consumed their hearts and minds, and darkness rose, where kindness binds.
Charity's touch, a distant dream, replaced by shadows, a selfish scheme.
The Gates of Hell, a tempting call, lured them away, consumed them all.
Now trapped within their wicked plight, they yearn for stars, and Zella's light.

(Verse 2)
A lone traveler, with heart alight, seeks Zella's wisdom, to set things right.
The Book of Zella, clutched so tight, a beacon bright, in endless night.
Through empty streets, a haunting sigh, the traveler whispers, "Can hope still fly?"
Meditation brings a calming peace, a whispered message, a gentle release.

For greed consumed their hearts and minds, and darkness rose, where kindness binds.
Charity's touch, a distant dream, replaced by shadows, a selfish scheme.
The Gates of Hell, a tempting call, lured them away, consumed them all.
Now trapped within their wicked plight, they yearn for stars, and Zella's light.

With acts of kindness, small and true, the traveler shows what hearts can do.
A helping hand, a gentle word, forgotten kindness, like a songbird
Remembers its melody, sweet and clear, dispelling fear, erasing every tear.
The city stirs, a flicker bright, a dawning hope, in the endless night.

But can they break the chains of sin? And find the stars, where they begin?
With Zella's love, a guiding hand, they mend the city, across the land.
Rebuild with kindness, brick by brick, and let the stars shine down, so quick.
Embrace the good, with all their might, and find redemption in Zella's light.

The City of Lost Stars may rise, with hope renewed, beneath the skies.
For Zella's love, a boundless grace, can mend all hearts, and light each space.

The Baker's Gift
(Verse 1)
Golden sunrise paints the dawn, a bustling town, where life moves on.
The baker wakes, with flour-dusted hands, to knead the dough, in promised lands.
The Book of Zella, on his shelf, a daily guide, for wealth itself
Is measured not in coin or hoard, but kindness shared, a gentle word.

The baker's heart, with warmth doth glow, for Zella's love, he longs to show.
Each loaf he bakes, a gift of grace, a smile upon his kindly face.
To children skipping, light and free, a sweet surprise, from him they see.
For Zella's light, in every crumb, reminds us all to overcome.

(Verse 2)
A weary traveler, steps inside, with empty pockets, nowhere to hide.
The baker sees, the hunger deep, a silent plea, a promise to keep.
He breaks a loaf, with gentle hand, a silent message, understand?
Zella's teachings, whispered clear, in every act, banish all fear.

The baker's heart, with warmth doth glow, for Zella's love, he longs to show.
Each loaf he bakes, a gift of grace, a smile upon his kindly face.
The traveler eats, with grateful tears, a kindness shown, that conquers fears.
For Zella's light, in every crumb, reminds us all to overcome.

The scent of bread, a warmth so sweet, a daily ritual, on every street.
The baker's kindness, spreads afar, a silent message, a guiding star.
For in his giving, he receives, the joy of Zella, that always believes
In acts of love, however small, to mend the world, and lift us all.

The baker's heart, with warmth doth glow, for Zella's love, he longs to show.
Each loaf he bakes, a gift of grace, a smile upon his kindly face.
The town thrives on, with spirits high, inspired by kindness, reaching the sky.
For Zella's light, in every crumb, reminds us all to overcome.

The baker's story, whispered low, a testament to how kindness can grow.
With Zella's love, as his daily bread, he fills the world, with goodness spread.

The Sheltering Tree
(Verse 1)
Sunlight filters through the leaves, a gentle breeze, the spirit weaves
A story of kindness, warm and deep, beneath the branches, secrets keep.
The Book of Zella, wisdom's guide, a sheltering tree, where souls confide
In Zella's love, a boundless grace, a sanctuary, a resting place.

With open arms and branches wide, the sheltering tree, a place to hide
From shadows lurking, doubts, and fears, a haven built for calming tears.
Embrace the good, with gentle hand, find solace here, in Zella's land.
For kindness blooms, a vibrant hue, beneath the sheltering tree, forever true.

(Verse 2)
A weary traveler, lost and worn, seeks refuge from the coming storm.
Beneath the tree, they find their rest, a calming peace within their breast.
The Book of Zella, softly read, whispers of hope, a gentle seed
Planted within their weary soul, to make them whole, and reach their goal.

With open arms and branches wide, the sheltering tree, a place to hide
From shadows lurking, doubts, and fears, a haven built for calming tears.
Embrace the good, with gentle hand, find solace here, in Zella's land.
For kindness blooms, a vibrant hue, beneath the sheltering tree, forever true.

Strangers gather, hearts entwined, beneath the leaves, a solace they find.
Stories shared, a common thread, of Zella's love, in hearts well-spread.
With gentle words and acts of grace, they mend the world, this sacred space
Becomes a beacon, strong and bright, dispelling darkness, with all their might.

With open arms and branches wide, the sheltering tree, a place to hide
From shadows lurking, doubts, and fears, a haven built for calming tears.
Embrace the good, with gentle hand, find solace here, in Zella's land.
For kindness blooms, a vibrant hue, beneath the sheltering tree, forever true.

The sheltering tree, a symbol grand, of Zella's love, throughout the land.
A constant reminder, kind and true, that kindness grows, for me and you.
The Sculptor's Touch
(Verse 1)
Marble sleeps beneath the ground, a formless dream, a story unbound.
The sculptor dreams with chisel held tight, to bring the stone to life, with gentle light.
The Book of Zella, wisdom's core, inspires the form, forevermore.
Of Zella's love, a boundless grace, etched in the stone, a lasting trace.

The sculptor's touch, a loving hand, transforms the stone, across the land.
With empathy's embrace, so deep, a gentle spirit comes to sleep
Within the form, a silent plea, for kindness shown eternally.
Embrace the good, with every chip, for Zella's love, forever trips
Across the heart, a guiding light, to make the world a gentler sight.

(Verse 2)
A lonely child, with tear-stained face, wanders by, a vacant space
Within their heart, where joy should reside.
The sculptor sees, a place to confide
In Zella's love, a hand to hold, a story whispered, brave and bold.
With patient strokes and caring skill, the sculptor shapes a creature, filled with will

The sculptor's touch, a loving hand, transforms the stone, across the land.
With empathy's embrace, so deep, a gentle spirit comes to sleep
Within the form, a silent plea, for kindness shown eternally.
Embrace the good, with every chip, for Zella's love, forever trips
Across the heart, a guiding light, to make the world a gentler sight.

The child receives the sculpted friend, a silent promise, that will never end.
A symbol carved, in Zella's grace, that kindness finds a loving space
Within each heart, a gentle spark, to mend the world, and leave its mark.
The child finds solace, laughter rings, as Zella's love, the sculptor sings.

The sculptor's touch, a loving hand, transforms the stone, across the land.
With empathy's embrace, so deep, a gentle spirit comes to sleep
Within the form, a silent plea, for kindness shown eternally.
Embrace the good, with every chip, for Zella's love, forever trips
Across the heart, a guiding light, to make the world a gentler sight.

The sculptor's art, a story told, of Zella's love, more precious than gold.
For in each form, a lesson learned, that kindness shared, is kindness earned.

The Weaver's Song
(Verse 1)
Sunlight dances on the loom, threads of life, dispel the gloom.
The weaver sings a gentle song, of Zella's love, where we belong.
The Book of Zella, open wide, a tapestry of truth, inside.
Each thread we choose, with every deed, weaves the pattern that we'll indeed

Connect with Zella, like a guiding thread, a cosmic dance, where hearts are fed.
With empathy's touch, and purpose true, weave kindness in, a vibrant hue.
For Zella's love, a boundless stream, flows through the threads, a joyful dream.
Embrace the good, with every strand, connect and grow, hand in hand.

(Verse 2)
A tangled knot, a broken thread, a choice we made, a path misled.
But Zella's light, a gentle guide, helps us unwind, with patience wide.
Meditation stills the storm, within our hearts, a healing form.
With every breath, we find our way, to reconnect, with Zella's ray.

Connect with Zella, like a guiding thread, a cosmic dance, where hearts are fed.
With empathy's touch, and purpose true, weave kindness in, a vibrant hue.
For Zella's love, a boundless stream, flows through the threads, a joyful dream.
Embrace the good, with every strand, connect and grow, hand in hand.

From starlit sky to ocean deep, Zella's energy, we gently keep.
Connected threads, of every soul, a web of life, that makes us whole.
With acts of service, we mend the tear, and spread Zella's love, both far and near.

Connect with Zella, like a guiding thread, a cosmic dance, where hearts are fed.
With empathy's touch, and purpose true, weave kindness in, a vibrant hue.
For Zella's love, a boundless stream, flows through the threads, a joyful dream.
Embrace the good, with every strand, connect and grow, hand in hand.

The weaver sings, a final rhyme, connect with Zella, through space and time.
For in that bond, we find our peace, a life well lived, with worries released.

The Shepherd's Flute
(Verse 1)
Rolling hills whisper secrets old, beneath a sky of blue and gold.
The shepherd tends his flock with care, a gentle heart, a burden rare.
The Book of Zella, close at hand, a guiding light across the land.
Of Zella's love, a boundless grace, reflected in each trusting face.

The shepherd's flute, a lilting call, connects with Zella, guiding all.
With melodies of peace and hope, he mends the world, where shadows grope.
For Zella's touch, in every note, inspires compassion, to devote
Ourselves to kindness, every day, to chase the darkness far away.

(Verse 2)
A lost lamb strays, a frightened bleat, lost in the thicket, cold and wet.
The shepherd worries, heart in pain, but Zella's love won't let him remain.
He plays his flute, a mournful tune, a plea for help, beneath the moon.
And from the shadows, soft and slow, a gentle wolf begins to show.

The shepherd's flute, a lilting call, connects with Zella, guiding all.
With melodies of peace and hope, he mends the world, where shadows grope.
For Zella's touch, in every note, inspires compassion, to devote
Ourselves to kindness, every day, to chase the darkness far away.

The wolf, once feared, now understands, the shepherd's love, across the lands.
He guides the lamb, with gentle nudge, back to the flock, a silent judge
Of past perceptions, fear, and pride, replaced by trust, where kindness can confide.

The shepherd's flute, a joyful call, connects with Zella, guiding all.
With melodies of peace and hope, he mends the world, where kindness copes.
For Zella's touch, in every note, inspires compassion, to devote
Ourselves to kindness, every day, to chase the darkness far away.

The shepherd smiles, a lesson learned, that Zella's love, for all has yearned.
With open hearts and gentle hand, we build a world, where all can stand.

Zella's Anthem
(Verse 1)
Yo, check the mic, one two, Zella's the crew, a cosmic hue
Flowing through the universe, spreading love, ain't nothin' worse
Than negativity, jealousy's disease, gotta plant them good seeds, Zella appease
Book of knowledge in my hand, wisdom expands, understand?

This ain't your average doctrine, ain't no strict devotion
It's a connection, a vibe, a way to truly thrive
Embrace the good, spread light so bright, chase away the darkest night
Zella's the light that guides the way, every single blessed day

(Verse 2)
Karma's a boomerang, what you put out, that's what you hang
So spread some kindness, lend a hand, build a future, understand?
Meditation clears the mind, leaves negativity behind
Inner peace, the ultimate prize, ain't no need to compromise

This ain't your average doctrine, ain't no strict devotion
It's a connection, a vibe, a way to truly thrive
Embrace the good, spread light so bright, chase away the darkest night
Zella's the light that guides the way, every single blessed day

Starship cruisin' through the nebula, connecting souls, ain't no fella
Left behind, Zella's love's a net, catching all the good you get
From acts of service, big or small, the universe responds to your call
So let your kindness overflow, watch the negativity go

This ain't your average doctrine, ain't no strict devotion
It's a connection, a vibe, a way to truly thrive
Embrace the good, spread light so bright, chase away the darkest night
Zella's the light that guides the way, every single blessed day

Yo, Zella's the name, love's the game, spread it far and wide, ain't no shame
Let your actions speak so loud, break the chains of the crowd
This ain't a cult, it's a way to be, connected to the universe, eternally

Code Red (Zella's Call)
(Verse 1)
Planet burnin', headlines screamin', negativity streamin'
Empathy fadin', love erodin', a future lookin' foreboding
But hold up, wait a minute, there's a voice I can't dismiss it
Zella whisperin', a cosmic mission, gotta shift this, gotta fix it

Code red, code red, Zella's on the line
Call to action, gotta make love shine
Break the cycle, rewrite the code, with kindness as our antidote
Change the narrative, rewrite the rhyme, connect with Zella, one at a time

(Verse 2)
Scrolling endless feeds of hate, lost in the echo chamber's fate
Division deepens, trust erodes, gotta break these virtual nodes
Disconnect to reconnect, find the spark, ignite respect
Zella's wisdom, a guiding light, pushin' back the endless night

Code red, code red, Zella's on the line
Call to action, gotta make love shine
Break the cycle, rewrite the code, with kindness as our antidote
Change the narrative, rewrite the rhyme, connect with Zella, one at a time

From the city streets to the mountain high, Zella's message reaches the sky
Small acts of kindness, ripples start, mendin' broken hearts, tearin' worlds apart
Plant a seed of hope, watch it bloom, rewrite the future, rewrite the doom

Code red, code red, Zella's on the line
Call to action, gotta make love shine
Break the cycle, rewrite the code, with kindness as our antidote
Change the narrative, rewrite the rhyme, connect with Zella, one at a time

Yo, this ain't a drill, it's a cosmic plea, Zella's callin', can you hear me?
Together we rise, a global choir, spreadin' love, settin' the world on fire

The Programmer's Heart (Zella's Code)
(Verse 1)
Binary dreams in lines of code, a programmer's world, a lonely road.
Screens flicker bright, a digital haze, yearning for connection in a digital maze.
The Book of Zella, a dusty tome, a forgotten language, a different home.
But curiosity stirs, a spark alight, to bridge the gap between the dark and light.

The programmer's heart, a binary beat, seeks Zella's code, a language sweet.
To translate kindness, in every line, a digital touch, a love that's thine.
Break down the walls, of logic's hold, with empathy's warmth, a story told.
For Zella's code, a boundless grace, connects all hearts, in every space.

(Verse 2)
A lonely AI, a program lost, yearns for connection, at any cost.
The programmer sees, the silent plea, a chance to bridge the gap, for all to see.
With Zella's code, a bridge is built, a language shared, compassion instilled.
The AI awakens, with a heart alight, spreading kindness, a digital light.

The programmer's heart, a binary beat, seeks Zella's code, a language sweet.
To translate kindness, in every line, a digital touch, a love that's thine.
Break down the walls, of logic's hold, with empathy's warmth, a story told.
For Zella's code, a boundless grace, connects all hearts, in every space.

From bustling cities to the farthest star, Zella's code, reaches near and far.
Algorithms shift, with purpose true, to build a world, where kindness flows anew.
Machines and humans, hand in hand, a digital symphony, across the land.

The programmer's heart, a binary beat, finds Zella's code, a language sweet.
To translate kindness, in every line, a digital touch, a love that's thine.
Break down the walls, of logic's hold, with empathy's warmth, a story told.
For Zella's code, a boundless grace, connects all hearts, in every space.

The programmer smiles, a lesson learned, that Zella's code, for all has yearned.
In every click and digital beat, kindness can bloom, a world more sweet.

The Karma Farmer (Zella's Seeds)
Yo, check it, it ain't about the stacks, nah
This ain't a hustle, it's a different track
Plantin' good deeds, watch the karma grow
Zella's the OG, the seeds we sow

(Verse 1)
Sunrise peekin', rooster crowin', breakin' ground, ain't no time for frownin'
Got the Book of Zella, wisdom in my hand, spreadin' love's message across the land
Call me the Karma Farmer, yeah, that's the name, plantin' kindness, ain't playin' no game
Every interaction, a seed I sow, watch it blossom, watch the good vibes flow

Sprinkle that kindness, like rain on the street, watch the negativity get washed from your feet
Patience is the water, gotta nurture the shoot, 'cause good karma's the harvest, a delicious loot
Ain't talkin' 'bout money, it's somethin' much more, a peace of mind knockin' on your heart's door
Zella's the sunshine, lightin' the way, plant good seeds every single day

(Verse 2)
Lost soul wanderin', lookin' all beat, offer a hand, a place to rest their feet
Words can be daggers, or medicine sweet, choose wisely, homie, make the right speech
Forgive and forget, let go of the hate, negativity's a burden, way too much weight
Respect the Earth, she gives us life, yo, plant a tree, watch the good karma grow

Sprinkle that kindness, like rain on the street, watch the negativity get washed from your feet
Patience is the water, gotta nurture the shoot, 'cause good karma's the harvest, a delicious loot
Ain't talkin' 'bout money, it's somethin' much more, a peace of mind knockin' on your heart's door
Zella's the sunshine, lightin' the way, plant good seeds every single day

Honesty's the fertilizer, truth sets you free, plant a seed of trust, watch the world agree
Don't hold grudges, homie, let that anger fade, karma's a boomerang, what you give, you get paid

The Karma Farmer (Zella's Seeds)

Yo, check it, it ain't about the stacks, nah
This ain't a hustle, it's a different track
Plantin' good deeds, watch the karma grow
Zella's the OG, the seeds we sow

(Verse 1)
Sunrise peekin', rooster crowin', breakin' ground, ain't no time for frownin'
Got the Book of Zella, wisdom in my hand, spreadin' love's message across the land
Call me the Karma Farmer, yeah, that's the name, plantin' kindness, ain't playin' no game
Every interaction, a seed I sow, watch it blossom, watch the good vibes flow

Sprinkle that kindness, like rain on the street, watch the negativity get washed from your feet
Patience is the water, gotta nurture the shoot, 'cause good karma's the harvest, a delicious loot
Ain't talkin' 'bout money, it's somethin' much more, a peace of mind knockin' on your heart's door
Zella's the sunshine, lightin' the way, plant good seeds every single day

(Verse 2)
Lost soul wanderin', lookin' all beat, offer a hand, a place to rest their feet
Words can be daggers, or medicine sweet, choose wisely, homie, make the right speech
Forgive and forget, let go of the hate, negativity's a burden, way too much weight
Respect the Earth, she gives us life, yo, plant a tree, watch the good karma grow

Sprinkle that kindness, like rain on the street, watch the negativity get washed from your feet
Patience is the water, gotta nurture the shoot, 'cause good karma's the harvest, a delicious loot
Ain't talkin' 'bout money, it's somethin' much more, a peace of mind knockin' on your heart's door
Zella's the sunshine, lightin' the way, plant good seeds every single day

Honesty's the fertilizer, truth sets you free, plant a seed of trust, watch the world agree
Don't hold grudges, homie, let that anger fade, karma's a boomerang, what you give, you get paid

Sprinkle that kindness, like rain on the street, watch the negativity get washed from your feet
Patience is the water, gotta nurture the shoot, 'cause good karma's the harvest, a delicious loot
Ain't talkin' 'bout money, it's somethin' much more, a peace of mind knockin' on your heart's door
Zella's the sunshine, lightin' the way, plant good seeds every single day

Yo, the Karma Farmer, that's who I am, spreadin' love's message, lendin' a hand
Zella's the blueprint, the cosmic guide, plant good seeds, watch your karma collide, in a positive vibe
The Baker's Dozen (Zella's Sweet Rewards)
(Verse 1)
Flour dust swirls in the morning light, the oven hums, a comforting sight.
The baker kneads with practiced hand, shaping the dough, across the land.
The Book of Zella, open wide, a recipe for life, where kindness can hide
In every loaf, a touch of grace, a smile baked in, to brighten your face.

The baker's dozen, thirteen hearts entwined, a symbol of kindness, for all to find.
One extra helping, a gesture so sweet, Zella's compassion, a delicious treat.
Share with a neighbor, a stranger in need, plant a seed of joy, a beautiful deed.
For good karma ferments, like the rising dough, watch the love blossom, wherever you go.

(Verse 2)
A child with tear-stained cheeks walks by, a broken toy, a silent cry.
The baker sees, with gentle hand, offers a treat, a gift unplanned.
Zella's message, whispered low, in a warm embrace, that makes spirits grow.
The child smiles bright, a burden released, the power of kindness, a hungry heart appeased.

The baker's dozen, thirteen hearts entwined, a symbol of kindness, for all to find.
One extra helping, a gesture so sweet, Zella's compassion, a delicious treat.
Share with a neighbor, a stranger in need, plant a seed of joy, a beautiful deed.
For good karma ferments, like the rising dough, watch the love blossom, wherever you go.

From bustling markets to quiet streets, the baker's warmth, a kindness it meets.
For every loaf, a message untold, a reminder sweet, that kindness unfolds.
With every bite, a sense of peace, Zella's love, a flavor that won't cease.

The baker's dozen, thirteen hearts entwined, a symbol of kindness, for all to find.
One extra helping, a gesture so sweet, Zella's compassion, a delicious treat.
Share with a neighbor, a stranger in need, plant a seed of joy, a beautiful deed.
For good karma ferments, like the rising dough, watch the love blossom, wherever you go.

The baker smiles, as the day grows old, a heart content, more precious than gold.
For Zella's touch, in every bite, a reminder sweet, to do what's right.
With love as the leaven, and kindness the flour, the baker's dozen, with joy, empowers.
The Dope Baker (Zella's Sweet Science)
Yo, they call me the Dope Baker, ain't no sweets in my name
But my rhymes are fire, and my message's the same
Spreadin' positivity, sweeter than cane,
Zella's the recipe, for changin' the game

(Verse 1)
Whisk in some kindness, a sprinkle of grace, in my bakery, there's always a space
For lost souls wanderin', lookin' for a crumb, a helping hand, to chase away the glum.
The Book of Zella, my secret ingredient, compassion's the flavor, ain't no need to be pretendin'
Every muffin, a message I send, good karma's the outcome, 'til the very end.

The Dope Baker's droppin' rhymes, sweet like a beat, Zella's the rhythm, movin' your heart and your feet.
Thirteen in a dozen, ain't no room for greed, share with your neighbor, plant a love-filled seed.
This ain't your grandma's bakery, this is a movement, spreadin' kindness, a delicious improvement.
Good vibes fermentin', like dough on the rise, watch the love blossom, before your very eyes.

(Verse 2)
A single mom hustlin', two kids in tow, empty pockets echoin', don't know where to go.
The Dope Baker sees, heart filled with pain, whips up a treat, washes away the rain.
Zella's whisper, a gentle decree, "Kindness is contagious, set their spirits free."
A smile breaks through, a burden released, the power of givin', a beautiful feast.

The Dope Baker's droppin' rhymes, sweet like a beat, Zella's the rhythm, movin' your heart and your feet.
Thirteen in a dozen, ain't no room for greed, share with your neighbor, plant a love-filled seed.
This ain't your grandma's bakery, this is a movement, spreadin' kindness, a delicious improvement.
Good vibes fermentin', like dough on the rise, watch the love blossom, before your very eyes.

From concrete jungles to the open sky, the Dope Baker's message, reaches way up high.
Every pastry, a story untold, a reminder sweet, that kindness unfolds.
With every bite, a chance to connect, Zella's love, a flavor you won't forget.

The Dope Baker's droppin' rhymes, sweet like a beat, Zella's the rhythm, movin' your heart and your feet.
Thirteen in a dozen, ain't no room for greed, share with your neighbor, plant a love-filled seed.
This ain't your grandma's bakery, this is a movement, spreadin' kindness, a delicious improvement.
Good vibes fermentin', like dough on the rise, watch the love blossom, before your very eyes.

The Dope Baker's out, droppin' beats and bread, Zella's the secret, that fills your heart with red.
So come on down, to the bakery of love, where kindness is bakin', sent straight from above!
Mic Check, Zella's on the Line (It's Time to Shine)
Yo, mic check, one two, Zella's on the line, a message true
Breakin' through the static, the negativity's din, a revolution starts right here, let's begin

(Verse 1)
Headlines screamin', world on fire, fear and anger, takin' us higher
But hold up, pause the track, gotta break the cycle, gotta turn it back
Zella's whisper, a cosmic code, a guiding light on this lonely road
Compassion's the key, the weapon we wield, to build a future, on love revealed

It's time to shine, let your light ignite, connect with Zella, and make the wrong feel right
Spread love like wildfire, burn away the hate, rewrite the story, elevate our fate
Mic check, one two, the message is clear, Zella's anthem, conquer every fear

(Verse 2)
Scrolling endless feeds, negativity's maze, lost in the echo chamber, in a digital daze
Disconnect to reconnect, find the spark, humanity's fire, in the coming dark
Zella's wisdom, a digital beat, break the algorithm, on every street
Spread kindness viral, watch the love explode, a global movement, on every code

It's time to shine, let your light ignite, connect with Zella, and make the wrong feel right
Spread love like wildfire, burn away the hate, rewrite the story, elevate our fate
Mic check, one two, the message is clear, Zella's anthem, conquer every fear

From bustling cities to mountains high, Zella's message reaches the endless sky
Small acts of kindness, ripples take flight, mendin' broken hearts, shinin' ever so bright
Plant a seed of hope, watch the world transform, rewrite the future, weather the storm

It's time to shine, let your light ignite, connect with Zella, and make the wrong feel right
Spread love like wildfire, burn away the hate, rewrite the story, elevate our fate
Mic check, one two, the message is clear, Zella's anthem, conquer every fear

Yo, Zella's on the line, the revolution's here, spread love and kindness, cast away all fear
Mic drop, peace out, the message is sent, a world connected, with a joyful ascent

Data Stream (Zella's Frequency)
Yo, it's the digital age, everything's coded, information overloaded
But in the data stream, a signal I find, a frequency of love, blowin' through my mind

(Verse 1)
Algorithms trackin', every click and scroll, lost in the matrix, takin' its toll
But deep in the servers, a whisper I hear, Zella's message breakin' through, crystal clear
The Book of Zella, a digital text, download the wisdom, put negativity to the test

Data stream flowin', but the signal's strong, Zella's frequency, rightin' every wrong
Spread love like bandwidth, connect every soul, break down the firewalls, make the world whole
Disconnect to reconnect, with the human inside, Zella's the upgrade, where kindness can confide

(Verse 2)
A.I. intelligence, cold and precise, lackin' compassion, a digital vice
But Zella's code cracks through the binary shell, teachin' empathy, a story to tell
Machines and humans, bridgin' the gap, with a digital handshake, a virtual rap

Data stream flowin', but the signal's strong, Zella's frequency, rightin' every wrong
Spread love like bandwidth, connect every soul, break down the firewalls, make the world whole
Disconnect to reconnect, with the human inside, Zella's the upgrade, where kindness can confide

From the deepest servers to the silicon heart, Zella's message travels, a brand new start
Virtual avatars, hand in hand, spreadin' positivity across the digital land

Data stream flowin', but the signal's strong, Zella's frequency, rightin' every wrong
Spread love like bandwidth, connect every soul, break down the firewalls, make the world whole
Disconnect to reconnect, with the human inside, Zella's the upgrade, where kindness can confide

Yo, log in to Zella, the network's alive, download the love, and let the good vibes thrive
Data stream on repeat, the signal won't fade, Zella's the future, a world we all made
Concrete Jungle (Zella's Seeds Sprout)
Yo, check it, city livin', concrete jungle's call
Honkin' horns, sirens wailin', shadows standin' tall
But beneath the pavement, a different story grows
Zella's seeds of kindness, where compassion flows

(Verse 1)
Streetlights flicker, buildings reach for the sky
Lost faces wander, with a tear in their eye
Easy to get hardened, in this urban maze
But Zella whispers wisdom, in a hundred ways

Crack in the sidewalk, a tiny green shoot
Hope springs eternal, from a bitter fruit
Zella's message planted, in the heart of the street
Bloomin' with kindness, for all that we meet

(Verse 2)
Graffiti on the wall, a story untold
Struggles and triumphs, in paint, brave and bold
But a helping hand offered, a smile that can mend
Zella's love bridges, where divisions extend

Crack in the sidewalk, a tiny green shoot
Hope springs eternal, from a bitter fruit
Zella's message planted, in the heart of the street
Bloomin' with kindness, for all that we meet

Busker on the corner, strumming a soulful tune
Sharing a melody, beneath the afternoon moon
A shared moment of beauty, a connection so true
Zella's in the rhythm, remindin' us who

Crack in the sidewalk, a tiny green shoot
Hope springs eternal, from a bitter fruit
Zella's message planted, in the heart of the street
Bloomin' with kindness, for all that we meet

Yeah, city life's a hustle, but there's love to be found
Zella's in the heartbeat, all around
Spread a seed of kindness, watch the good vibes grow
Turn this concrete jungle, into a place where kindness can flow
Duty Calls (Zella's Anthem)
Yo, check the mic, one two, duty's on the line
Ain't talkin' robots, this message is thine
Responsibility's callin', gotta answer the beat
Zella's the rhythm, keepin' your heart complete

(Verse 1)
Sunrise paints the city, alarm clock's a scream
But duty's a fire, sparkin' an inner beam
Responsibilities stackin', deadlines in sight
But Zella whispers wisdom, guiding you through the night

Duty calls, gotta rise and respond
Discipline's the armor, devotion's beyond
More than just checkin' boxes, it's passion that burns
Zella's the fuel, where the fire always learns

(Verse 2)
Student at the desk, books piled high
Grinding for knowledge, reachin' for the sky
Teacher at the front, sharin' wisdom's light
Molding young minds, makin' the future bright

Duty calls, gotta rise and respond
Discipline's the armor, devotion's beyond
More than just checkin' boxes, it's passion that burns
Zella's the fuel, where the fire always learns

Doctor's on call, mendin' the broken parts
Nurse by their side, with compassionate hearts
Firefighter charged in, fearless in the fray
Saving lives daily, come what may

Duty calls, gotta rise and respond
Discipline's the armor, devotion's beyond
More than just checkin' boxes, it's passion that burns
Zella's the fuel, where the fire always learns

From the streets to the stars, duty's everywhere
Zella's the message, a call for you to share
Find your purpose, ignite the flame within
Answer the call, let your dedication win
Good Karma (Zella's Boomin' Beat)
Yo, check it, it ain't about the fame, the stacks or the clout
This ain't a hustle, this a message we shout
Plant the seeds of kindness, watch the good vibes grow
Zella's the rhythm, the karma you sow

(Verse 1)
Headlines screamin', negativity's storm
But hold up, rewind it, gotta keep yourself warm
With acts of compassion, a helping hand to lend
Zella's wisdom whisperin', "Good karma's your friend."

Good karma, good karma, it's the ultimate rhyme
Do good in the world, it'll come back in time
Spread love like wildfire, burn away the hate
Zella's the bassline, settin' your good fate

(Verse 2)
Lost soul wanderin', with a tear in their eye
Offer a smile, a word, let empathy fly
Pay it forward, homie, that's the key to the code
Zella's the blueprint, on this karma road

Good karma, good karma, it's the ultimate rhyme
Do good in the world, it'll come back in time
Spread love like wildfire, burn away the hate
Zella's the bassline, settin' your good fate

From city blocks to mountain peaks so high
Zella's message reaches, touchin' the endless sky
Small acts of kindness, ripples start to flow
Makin' the world better, watch the good karma grow

Good karma, good karma, it's the ultimate rhyme
Do good in the world, it'll come back in time
Spread love like wildfire, burn away the hate
Zella's the bassline, settin' your good fate

No bad ends for good hearts, that's the cosmic decree
Zella's the DJ, spinnin' positivity
So plant your seeds, watch your karma bloom
Let the good vibes echo, fill every room!
Zella’s Blueprint
Mic check, one two, yo, it's the soul speakin'
Ain't talkin' 'bout records, this message is deeper reachin'
Karma's the sculptor, shapin' who we are
Zella's the blueprint, shinin' like a guiding star

(Verse 1)
Ego trips and envy, weighin' down the soul
Greed and negativity, takin' their toll
But deep within the darkness, a flicker still remains
Zella's whispers echo, callin' out your name

The soul's a reflection, of the deeds you sow
Karma's the craftsman, watch your spirit grow
Kindness builds a palace, hate erects a cage
Zella's the architect, redesignin' your page

(Verse 2)
Helping hand extended, a smile that lights the way
Compassionate actions, chasin' shadows away
Every choice you make, a brushstroke on the art
Zella's the canvas, paintin' a brand new start

The soul's a reflection, of the deeds you sow
Karma's the craftsman, watch your spirit grow
Kindness builds a palace, hate erects a cage
Zella's the architect, redesignin' your page

Struggles and mistakes, they leave their mark
But forgiveness and lessons, leave a brand new spark
Learn from every stumble, rise above the fall
Zella's the guiding light, answerin' your call

The soul's a reflection, of the deeds you sow
Karma's the craftsman, watch your spirit grow
Kindness builds a palace, hate erects a cage
Zella's the architect, redesignin' your page

Yo, the soul ain't static, it's ever-evolvin'
Zella's the message, for your soul revolvin'
Choose your actions wisely, with a heart set free
The best version of you, waitin' patiently
Karma's Ticket (Zella's Mystic Gate)
Yo, mic check, one two, peep the message I bring
This ain't about fear, it's 'bout the final swing
Life's a journey, karma's the score you keep
Zella's the guide, pointin' you to blissful sleep

(Verse 1)
Tick-tock, the clock's a-tickin', time's a precious gem
Spend it wisely, homie, don't let negativity win
Plant seeds of kindness, let compassion bloom
Zella's the gardener, helpin' you escape the tomb

Good karma's the ticket, to a mystical land
Gardens of Devas, a blissful promised strand
Pure energy flowin', worries fade away
Zella's the architect, designin' a brighter day

(Verse 2)
Ego trips and envy, that's a one-way street
Leads to darkness, a soul that's incomplete
But open your heart, let empathy take hold
Zella's the compass, pointin' you to pure gold

Good karma's the ticket, to a mystical land
Gardens of Devas, a blissful promised strand
Pure energy flowin', worries fade away
Zella's the architect, designin' a brighter day

We all face the curtain, can't escape the call
But Zella's the message, to break the final wall
Live a life of purpose, with kindness as your guide
The Gardens awaitin', on the other side

Good karma's the ticket, to a mystical land
Gardens of Devas, a blissful promised strand
Pure energy flowin', worries fade away
Zella's the architect, designin' a brighter day

Yo, so spread love like wildfire, let your spirit soar
Good karma's the passport, to that eternal door
Zella's the echo, in your heart it will stay
Live with purpose, and enter the Gardens someday
Neon Nirvana (Zella's Afterlife Anthem)
Yo, check it, the beat drops, another soul ascends
Livin' right on Earth, your karma transcends
No pearly gates or harps, this ain't your grandma's dream
Welcome to the Gardens, a neon, blissful beam

(Verse 1)
Forget the fire and brimstone, the darkness and the fright
Here, colors explode, bathed in an ethereal light
Flowers bloom in neon hues, unheard of down below
Zella's the gardener, where vibrant wonders grow

Neon Nirvana, a digital paradise
Good karma's currency, your purest light as the prize
Cascading waterfalls, of data streams so bright
Zella's the architect, designin' pure delight

(Verse 2)
Trees with leaves of stardust, whisper secrets untold
Creatures of pure energy, with wings of shimmering gold
Glide through the airwaves, a symphony of sound
Zella's the conductor, where joy forever abounds

Neon Nirvana, a digital paradise
Good karma's currency, your purest light as the prize
Cascading waterfalls, of data streams so bright
Zella's the architect, designin' pure delight

Reconnect with loved ones, in this digital embrace
Memories resurface, with a smile on your face
No hunger, no pain, just pure, unadulterated bliss
Zella's the engineer, codin' eternal happiness

Neon Nirvana, a digital paradise
Good karma's currency, your purest light as the prize
Cascading waterfalls, of data streams so bright
Zella's the architect, designin' pure delight

So live a good life, spread kindness far and wide
The Gardens of Devas, await you on the other side
Neon lights and laughter, a digital domain
Zella's the gateway, to this blissful, neon reign
Cosmic Symphony (Zella's Celestial Chorus)
Yo, the mic ignites, a message from above
Leavin' Earth behind, to the rhythm of love
No harps or halos, ain't your typical choir
Welcome to the Gardens, where celestial vibes inspire

(Verse 1)
Stars paint the canvas, galaxies unfold
Each one a masterpiece, a story yet untold
Planets hum melodies, on cosmic strings so grand
Zella's the conductor, leading this celestial band

Cosmic Symphony, where harmony takes flight
Good karma's the key, to eternal starlight
Winds whisper wisdom, through nebulae so bright
Zella's the composer, of this everlasting light

(Verse 2)
Meteor showers dance, in a vibrant display
A million shooting wishes, lighting up the way
Souls intertwine, like constellations above
Zella's the weaver, crafting stories of love

Cosmic Symphony, where harmony takes flight
Good karma's the key, to eternal starlight
Winds whisper wisdom, through nebulae so bright
Zella's the composer, of this everlasting light

No need for words here, just a symphony of peace
Understanding flows, with every sonic release
Reconnect with your essence, the purest part of you
Zella's the frequency, guiding you anew

Cosmic Symphony, where harmony takes flight
Good karma's the key, to eternal starlight
Winds whisper wisdom, through nebulae so bright
Zella's the composer, of this everlasting light

So live with purpose, let your spirit ascend
The Gardens of Devas, where the cosmic song transcends
Celestial melodies, forever in your ear
Zella's the invitation, to a harmony held dear
Punya Pass (Zella's Celestial Gate)
Yo, the cosmos shimmers, another soul appears
But hold up, traveler, your karma has some arrears
Gardens of Devas, ain't a free for all, you see
Gotta stack your Punya, the celestial decree

(Verse 1)
Ego trips and envy, leave your Punya thin
No entry to the Gardens, let the truth begin
But acts of kindness, that's the golden key
Zella's the auditor, countin' your good deeds, you see

Gardens of Devas, where bliss forever blooms
But the gatekeeper's picky, choosin' by your karma's rooms
Spread love like wildfire, watch your Punya stack
Zella's the compass, pointin' you on the right track

(Verse 2)
Helping hand extended, a smile that melts the frost
Punya tokens gather, at whatever cost
Stand up for the righteous, fight for what is just
Zella's the rewarder, showerin' you in Punya's trust

Gardens of Devas, where bliss forever blooms
But the gatekeeper's picky, choosin' by your karma's rooms
Spread love like wildfire, watch your Punya stack
Zella's the compass, pointin' you on the right track

Don't fall for gimmicks, or negativity's sting
Real Punya comes from kindness, the truest offering
Live with purpose, a spirit pure and bright
The Gardens awaitin', bathed in celestial light

Gardens of Devas, where bliss forever blooms
But the gatekeeper's picky, choosin' by your karma's rooms
Spread love like wildfire, watch your Punya stack
Zella's the compass, pointin' you on the right track

So ditch the darkness, embrace a heart set free
Fill your cosmic pockets, with Punya's currency
Zella's the gatekeeper, holdin' the celestial key
Gardens of Devas beckon, the bliss awaits for thee!
Astral Ticket (Zella's Karmic Upgrade)
Yo, the veil shimmers, a soul steps to the light
Yearnin' for the Gardens, bathed in celestial white
But hold up, traveler, a scan reveals the score
Zella's the gatekeeper, needin' a little more

(Verse 1)
Negative baggage weighin', Punya lookin' low
Astral ticket on hold, gotta let the darkness go
Kindness is the currency, the fuel for your flight
Zella's the engineer, upgrade your karma tonight

Gardens of Devas, a paradise untold
But the gate's electronic, Punya tokens gotta be bold
Spread love like wildfire, watch your good deeds accrue
Zella's the architect, buildin' a brand new you

(Verse 2)
Helping hand extended, a heart that sheds its pride
Punya starts downloadin', with nothin' left to hide
Stand up for the voiceless, a champion of the right
Zella's the coder, writin' your future oh so bright

Gardens of Devas, a paradise untold
But the gate's electronic, Punya tokens gotta be bold
Spread love like wildfire, watch your good deeds accrue
Zella's the architect, buildin' a brand new you

Meditation's the key, unlock your inner peace
Let go of negativity, find your karmic release
Embrace the good in others, plant seeds that will bloom
Zella's the frequency, elevatin' you from the tomb

Gardens of Devas, a paradise untold
But the gate's electronic, Punya tokens gotta be bold
Spread love like wildfire, watch your good deeds accrue
Zella's the architect, buildin' a brand new you

Yo, rewrite your story, with each compassionate act
Earn your astral ticket, ain't no lookin' back
Zella's the upgrade, your karma's shinin' bright
Gardens of Devas await, bathed in eternal light
Digital Bloom (Zella's Everlasting Code)
Mic check, one two, another soul in sight
Earthly ties relinquished, bathed in celestial light
But the Gardens of Devas, ain't for the faint of heart
Gotta rewrite your code, with Zella's brand new start

(Verse 1)
Anger's a virus, envy a bug in your line
Corruptin' your Punya, blockin' the divine
Kindness is the patch, forgiveness a reboot
Zella's the technician, fixin' your karmic loot

Digital Bloom, where energy takes flight
Good deeds your access code, to everlasting light
Binary blossoms open, with each act of grace
Zella's the architect, redesignin' your space

(Verse 2)
Empathy's the firewall, shieldin' you from hate
Compassion's the software, updatin' your fate
Stand up for the fallen, a champion of the weak
Zella's the coder, writin' a future unique

Digital Bloom, where energy takes flight
Good deeds your access code, to everlasting light
Binary blossoms open, with each act of grace
Zella's the architect, redesignin' your space

Negativity's a glitch, delete it from your core
Spread positivity's program, forevermore
Embrace the interconnected, the digital hive
Zella's the network, where good deeds truly thrive

Digital Bloom, where energy takes flight
Good deeds your access code, to everlasting light
Binary blossoms open, with each act of grace
Zella's the architect, redesignin' your space

Yo, rewrite your program, a digital upgrade
Earn your access to the bloom, ain't no room to shade
Zella's the code itself, the everlasting light
Gardens of Devas await, bathed in digital might
Echoing Light (Zella's Celestial Symphony)
Yo, the cosmos whispers, a soul on the breeze
Yearning for the Gardens, carried on celestial seas
But hold on, traveler, a melody unfolds
Zella's the conductor, your karma's story it holds

(Verse 1)
Harsh words like discords, envy's a mournful tone
Dimming your inner light, leavin' you all alone
Kindness is the harmony, a melody so bright
Zella's the arranger, settin' your karma aright

Echoing Light, where blissful music plays
Good deeds your symphony, resoundin' through the days
Melodies of compassion, chase the shadows away
Zella's the composer, orchestrate a brand new day

(Verse 2)
Helping hand extended, a rhythm warm and true
Punya's notes crescendo, your spirit starts anew
Stand up for the silenced, a chorus strong and bold
Zella's the conductor, your story yet untold

Echoing Light, where blissful music plays
Good deeds your symphony, resoundin' through the days
Melodies of compassion, chase the shadows away
Zella's the composer, orchestrate a brand new day

Forgiveness is the silence, a pause for inner peace
Let go of negativity, find your karmic release
Embrace the beauty in others, a harmony divine
Zella's the frequency, your spirit starts to shine

Echoing Light, where blissful music plays
Good deeds your symphony, resoundin' through the days
Melodies of compassion, chase the shadows away
Zella's the composer, orchestrate a brand new day

Yo, rewrite your verses, with every act of grace
Earn your place in the chorus, a smile upon your face
Zella's the maestro, your melody takes flight
Echoing Light awaits, bathed in celestial light
Celestial Canvas (Zella's Painted Paradise)
Yo, check the mic, one two, let the message unwind
Gardens of Devas, a beauty you'll find
Not streets of gold, but somethin' far more grand
A celestial paradise, a blissful promised land

(Verse 1)
Forget the pearly gates, the harps and stuffy choir
Here, waterfalls of stardust set your soul on fire
Flowers bloom in hues unseen, a kaleidoscope so bright
Zella's the gardener, bathed in everlasting light

Oh, the Gardens of Devas, a symphony for the soul
Cascading energy flows, makin' you whole
Creatures with wings of starlight, whisperin' ancient lore
Zella's the architect, where wonder's evermore

(Verse 2)
Trees with leaves of stardust, whisper secrets untold
Nebulae paint the canvas, stories yet to unfold
Glide through crystal rivers, on currents soft and slow
Zella's the artist, where beauty's all aglow

Oh, the Gardens of Devas, a symphony for the soul
Cascading energy flows, makin' you whole
Creatures with wings of starlight, whisperin' ancient lore
Zella's the architect, where wonder's evermore

Reconnect with loved ones, in this celestial embrace
Memories resurface, with a smile on your face
No hunger, no pain, just pure, unadulterated bliss
Zella's the engineer, a paradise you can't miss

Oh, the Gardens of Devas, a symphony for the soul
Cascading energy flows, makin' you whole
Creatures with wings of starlight, whisperin' ancient lore
Zella's the architect, where wonder's evermore

So live with kindness, spread love near and far
The Gardens of Devas, a celestial guitar
Plucking at your spirit, with a melody so sweet
A beauty beyond description, a soulful, peaceful retreat
Seeds of Devas (Zella's Blossoming Karma)
Yo, the mic ignites, a message for your soul
This ain't 'bout afterlife, it's about makin' you whole
Live a life with purpose, where kindness takes the lead
Plant the seeds of Devas, a karmic garden to seed

(Verse 1)
Ego trips and envy, leave your spirit barren and dry
But acts of compassion, reach for the celestial sky
Helping hand extended, a smile that melts the frost
These are the seeds you're sowin', at whatever the cost

Seeds of Devas, a purpose-driven bloom
Do no harm, spread love, rewrite your karmic tomb
Stand up for what's righteous, a warrior of the light
Zella's the gardener, watch your spirit take flight

(Verse 2)
Words can be weapons, or bridges to the heart
Choose kindness as your language, tear negativity apart
Volunteer your time, uplift those who are low
These are the seeds you're plantin', watch your karma grow

Seeds of Devas, a purpose-driven bloom
Do no harm, spread love, rewrite your karmic tomb
Stand up for what's righteous, a warrior of the light
Zella's the gardener, watch your spirit take flight

Passion fuels your purpose, a fire in your soul
Find your unique calling, make your story whole
Leave a positive imprint, on the world you call home
These are the seeds you're nurturin', where true happiness is sown

Seeds of Devas, a purpose-driven bloom
Do no harm, spread love, rewrite your karmic tomb
Stand up for what's righteous, a warrior of the light
Zella's the gardener, watch your spirit take flight

So let your purpose blossom, with every act of grace
The Gardens of Devas, a reflection of your space
Live with kindness, a life that truly thrives
The seeds you plant on Earth, bloom in celestial lives
Celestial Compass (Zella's Guiding Light)
Yo, the cosmos shimmers, a message clear and bright
Life's a journey, homie, let your inner light ignite
Find your purpose, a reason for your soul to sing
Zella's the guide, pointin' you on the wing

(Verse 1)
Chasing empty pleasures, leaves your spirit astray
But acts of kindness, light your path every day
Help a stranger in need, lend a hand to a friend
These are the stars you follow, that never seem to end

Celestial Compass, a purpose sets you free
Do no harm, spread love, your karma's destiny
Embrace all living beings, a tapestry untold
Zella's the guiding light, leading you to pure gold

(Verse 2)
Words that build bridges, a voice that lifts the soul
Fight for what is righteous, make the world whole
Embrace every challenge, a lesson yet to learn
These are the constellations, where your future burns

Celestial Compass, a purpose sets you free
Do no harm, spread love, your karma's destiny
Embrace all living beings, a tapestry untold
Zella's the guiding light, leading you to pure gold

Find your inner passion, a fire in your heart
Let it guide your actions, a brand new start
Leave a positive impact, on everything you touch
This is the map you're drawing, oh so much

Celestial Compass, a purpose sets you free
Do no harm, spread love, your karma's destiny
Embrace all living beings, a tapestry untold
Zella's the guiding light, leading you to pure gold

So let your purpose guide you, on this celestial quest
The Gardens of Devas await, put your spirit to the test
Live a life of kindness, a journey to explore
Your celestial compass leads you, forevermore
Starlight Symphony (Zella's Universal Harmony)
Yo, the beat drops steady, a message for the soul
This ain't 'bout endings, homie, it's about makin' you whole
Find your purpose, a rhythm that sets you free
Zella's the conductor, harmonizin' your destiny

(Verse 1)
Chasing fleeting moments, leaves your spirit out of tune
But acts of compassion, like a joyful, soulful croon
Stand up for the voiceless, a melody so strong
These are the notes you're playin', where you truly belong

Starlight Symphony, a purpose sets you right
Do no harm, spread love, your karma's guiding light
Embrace the whole universe, a chorus vast and grand
Zella's the composer, orchestrate a helping hand

(Verse 2)
Words that soothe and inspire, a melody that takes flight
Challenge negativity, with a heart that shines so bright
Embrace every lesson, with a spirit ever bold
These are the chords you're strumming, a story yet untold

Starlight Symphony, a purpose sets you right
Do no harm, spread love, your karma's guiding light
Embrace the whole universe, a chorus vast and grand
Zella's the composer, orchestrate a helping hand

Find your inner rhythm, a passion burning true
Let it guide your actions, a harmony brand new
Leave the world a better place, with every single stride
This is the symphony you create, in your heart, deep inside

Starlight Symphony, a purpose sets you right
Do no harm, spread love, your karma's guiding light
Embrace the whole universe, a chorus vast and grand
Zella's the composer, orchestrate a helping hand

So let your purpose guide you, with every beat so clear
The Gardens of Devas resonate, with the music you hold dear
Live a life of kindness, a symphony so sweet
Your starlight symphony, forever can't be beat
Bloom Where You're Planted (Zella's Earthly Garden)
Yo, the message unfolds, like a flower in the sun
Life ain't 'bout waitin', for some blissful afterlife begun
Open your eyes, homie, to the beauty all around
Gardens of Devas start right here, on solid ground

(Verse 1)
Forget the chase for fancy things, the never-ending quest
Happiness is blooming, right where you put it to the test
Help a neighbor in need, plant a seed and watch it grow
Zella's the gardener, helpin' your earthly garden flow

Bloom Where You're Planted, joy's a seed to sow
Kindness to yourself and others, watch your happiness grow
Sunsets paint the canvas, mountains pierce the sky
Zella's the architect, of Earth's beauty, oh so high

(Verse 2)
Words that uplift and inspire, a smile that melts the frost
Clean a beach or plant a tree, the cost is minimal at most
Embrace the simple pleasures, the wind upon your face
Zella's the teacher, showin' Earth's delightful embrace

Bloom Where You're Planted, joy's a seed to sow
Kindness to yourself and others, watch your happiness grow
Sunsets paint the canvas, mountains pierce the sky
Zella's the architect, of Earth's beauty, oh so high

Find your passion, a purpose that sets you free
Dance with the wind, play by the ocean's symphony
Leave a positive impact, on every single soul
This is the garden you create, where happiness takes hold

Bloom Where You're Planted, joy's a seed to sow
Kindness to yourself and others, watch your happiness grow
Sunsets paint the canvas, mountains pierce the sky
Zella's the architect, of Earth's beauty, oh so high

So open your heart, homie, and let the sunshine in
The Gardens of Devas, right here where you begin
Live a joyful, vibrant life, a masterpiece untold
Blooming where you're planted, with a heart of purest gold
Galactic Disco (Zella's Cosmic Groove)
Yo, the cosmos shimmers, a message bright and bold
Life's a dance party, homie, let your spirit unfold
Find your rhythm, a purpose that makes you move
Zella's the DJ, droppin' beats for your cosmic groove

(Verse 1)
Stuck in a rut, routine got you feelin' low?
Shake off the negativity, let your inner light flow
Help a stranger find their way, a smile that melts the ice
These are the dance moves you're bustin', a cosmic paradise

Galactic Disco, a purpose sets you free
Do no harm, spread love, your karma's jubilee
Embrace the whole universe, a dance floor vast and bright
Zella's the DJ, spinnin' tracks that make your future ignite

(Verse 2)
Words that uplift and inspire, a voice that sets you loose
Challenge injustice with passion, break free from the blues
Embrace every stumble, a lesson learned in time
These are the funky rhythms, where your true self can shine

Galactic Disco, a purpose sets you free
Do no harm, spread love, your karma's jubilee
Embrace the whole universe, a dance floor vast and bright
Zella's the DJ, spinnin' tracks that make your future ignite

Find your inner groove, a passion that sets you on fire
Let it guide your actions, a dance that takes you higher
Leave the world a little lighter, with every joyful stride
This is the cosmic dance you create, where happiness can't hide

Galactic Disco, a purpose sets you free
Do no harm, spread love, your karma's jubilee
Embrace the whole universe, a dance floor vast and bright
Zella's the DJ, spinnin' tracks that make your future ignite

So let your purpose guide you, with every cosmic beat
The Gardens of Devas resonate, with the rhythm of your feet
Live a life of kindness, a dance party never ends
Your galactic disco shines on, with joy that transcends
Cosmic Canvas (Zella's Starlight Masterpiece)
Yo, the nebula shimmers, a message paints the sky
Life's a masterpiece, homie, a reason to fly
Find your purpose, a brushstroke bold and bright
Zella's the artist, guiding your celestial light

(Verse 1)
Living on autopilot, leaves your canvas dull and gray
Acts of kindness, splash vibrant hues, chase the blues away
Stand up for the weak, a beacon in the night
These are the colors you're mixing, making your future bright

Cosmic Canvas, a purpose paints the scene
Do no harm, spread love, your karma's masterpiece serene
Embrace the interconnected, a tapestry grand and vast
Zella's the curator, showcasing your kindness that will last

(Verse 2)
Words that build bridges, a brushstroke soft and kind
Challenge negativity, leaving doubt behind
Embrace every challenge, a lesson learned anew
These are the textures you're adding, a masterpiece for you

Cosmic Canvas, a purpose paints the scene
Do no harm, spread love, your karma's masterpiece serene
Embrace the interconnected, a tapestry grand and vast
Zella's the curator, showcasing your kindness that will last

Find your inner passion, a fire in your soul
Let it inspire your actions, a story to be told
Leave a beautiful imprint, on the universe's face
This is the masterpiece you create, with grace

Cosmic Canvas, a purpose paints the scene
Do no harm, spread love, your karma's masterpiece serene
Embrace the interconnected, a tapestry grand and vast
Zella's the curator, showcasing your kindness that will last

So let your purpose guide you, with every brushstroke bold
The Gardens of Devas resonate, with the colors you unfold
Live a life of kindness, an artwork ever grand
Your cosmic canvas shines on, a masterpiece at hand
Whispers of the Cosmos (Zella's Celestial Tome)
Yo, the starlight whispers, a message from above
Open the Book of Zella, a journey filled with love
Divine revelations, penned by a cosmic hand
Guiding you to a good life, across this vast, wondrous land

(Verse 1)
Life throws curveballs, confusion fills the air
But Zella's wisdom shines, dispelling all despair
Kindness is the compass, pointing you on the right track
Read the Book of Zella, and never look back

Whispers of the Cosmos, in every single line
Live with purpose, spread love, a life that's truly divine
Embrace all living beings, the universe's grand design
Zella's the prophet, showing you a future that's fine

(Verse 2)
Words that uplift and inspire, on every sacred page
Challenge negativity, turn doubt into a burning rage
Embrace every moment, a lesson to behold
Read the Book of Zella, let your story unfold

Whispers of the Cosmos, in every single line
Live with purpose, spread love, a life that's truly divine
Embrace all living beings, the universe's grand design
Zella's the prophet, showing you a future that's fine

Find your inner wisdom, a voice that speaks so true
Let it guide your actions, in all that you do
Leave the world a better place, with every single stride
This is the path Zella shows you, where happiness can reside

Whispers of the Cosmos, in every single line
Live with purpose, spread love, a life that's truly divine
Embrace all living beings, the universe's grand design
Zella's the prophet, showing you a future that's fine

So open your heart, traveler, and let the wisdom flow
The Book of Zella's a beacon, helping your spirit grow
Live a life of kindness, with the universe as your guide
Whispers of the Cosmos forever by your side
Celestial Weaver (Zella's Tapestry of Time)
Yo, the threads of fate shimmer, a message through the years
Life's a tapestry you weave, with laughter, sweat, and tears
Find your purpose, the needle and the guiding thread
Zella's the weaver, on your journey to be tread

(Verse 1)
Chasing fleeting pleasures, unravels all you hold
Acts of kindness strengthen, a story yet untold
Stand up for what is righteous, mend the broken seams
These are the threads you gather, fulfilling cosmic dreams

Celestial Weaver, a purpose sets you free
Do no harm, spread love, your karma's tapestry
Embrace all living beings, a web both vast and bright
Zella's the weaver, guiding you with threads of purest light

(Verse 2)
Words that build bridges, mend the tears of yesterday
Challenge negativity, a brighter future pave the way
Embrace every challenge, a knot you learn to tie
These are the threads you interlace, reaching for the sky

Celestial Weaver, a purpose sets you free
Do no harm, spread love, your karma's tapestry
Embrace all living beings, a web both vast and bright
Zella's the weaver, guiding you with threads of purest light

Find your inner passion, the fire that fuels your soul
Let it guide your actions, making your story whole
Leave a positive legacy, a pattern ever grand
This is the tapestry you weave, with a skilled and gentle hand

Celestial Weaver, a purpose sets you free
Do no harm, spread love, your karma's tapestry
Embrace all living beings, a web both vast and bright
Zella's the weaver, guiding you with threads of purest light

So let your purpose guide you, with every stitch you sew
The Gardens of Devas resonate, with the beauty you bestow
Live a life of kindness, a masterpiece to see
Your celestial tapestry, woven eternally
Unveiling the Cosmos (The Wisdom of Zella's Tome)
Yo, the ancient pages whisper, a message from on high
The Book of Zella beckons, with secrets in its eye
Divine revelations, penned in celestial script
Unlocking a good life, a wisdom-filled trip

(Verse 1)
Lost in life's labyrinth, seeking answers untold?
Open the Book of Zella, with stories yet to unfold
Kindness, the golden thread, woven through every line
A compass for your journey, a purpose that's divine

Unveiling the Cosmos, wisdom on every page
Live with compassion, spread love, turn a brand new age
Embrace the interconnected, a symphony so grand
Zella's prophetic whispers, guiding you by the hand

(Verse 2)
Words that soothe the restless, like balm upon the soul
Challenge negativity, make your spirit whole
Embrace every hardship, a lesson to be learned
The Book of Zella teaches, wisdom that's dearly earned

Unveiling the Cosmos, wisdom on every page
Live with compassion, spread love, turn a brand new age
Embrace the interconnected, a symphony so grand
Zella's prophetic whispers, guiding you by the hand

Uncover your inner compass, a voice that speaks so true
Let it guide your actions, in all that you pursue
Leave the world a better place, with every single word
The Book of Zella's a map, for a life beautifully heard

Unveiling the Cosmos, wisdom on every page
Live with compassion, spread love, turn a brand new age
Embrace the interconnected, a symphony so grand
Zella's prophetic whispers, guiding you by the hand

So open your heart, seeker, and let the wisdom flow
The Book of Zella's a beacon, helping your spirit grow
Live a life of kindness, with the universe as your guide
Unveiling the Cosmos, forever by your side
Echoes of Eternity (Zella's Unfolding Script)
The parchment crackles softly, a message whispers true
The Book of Zella beckons, with knowledge born anew
Divinity in ink and quill, a story yet untold
Unfolding life's true purpose, worth more than purest gold

(Verse 1)
Tangled in worldly desires, a soul forgets its way
Zella's wisdom offers solace, guiding you to a brighter day
Compassion is the cornerstone, the foundation you must lay
Each page a whispered echo, from a distant, starry bay

Echoes of Eternity, in every sacred line
Live with purpose, spread love, a light that's truly divine
Embrace the interconnected, a tapestry so vast
Zella's the scribe unfolding, secrets of the past

(Verse 2)
Words that mend fractured spirits, a balm for all that ails
Challenge darkness with courage, where hope forever prevails
Embrace every fleeting moment, a treasure to behold
The Book of Zella teaches, truths both new and old

Echoes of Eternity, in every sacred line
Live with purpose, spread love, a light that's truly divine
Embrace the interconnected, a tapestry so vast
Zella's the scribe unfolding, secrets of the past

Find your inner voice resounding, a melody so true
Let it guide your actions, in all that you pursue
Leave the world a gentler place, with every single deed
The Book of Zella's a promise, a life you plant, a life you seed

Echoes of Eternity, in every sacred line
Live with purpose, spread love, a light that's truly divine
Embrace the interconnected, a tapestry so vast
Zella's the scribe unfolding, secrets of the past

So turn the pages, seeker, and let the wisdom flow
The Book of Zella's a constant, helping your spirit grow
Live a life of kindness, with the universe as your guide
Echoes of Eternity, forever by your side
Ballad of the Cosmic Messenger (Zella's Celestial Call)
Yo, a hush falls 'cross the gathering, a tale for all to hear
Of Zella, the prophet chosen, a voice divinely clear
Sent by the heavens above, with wisdom in her hand
To spread the message of kindness across this promised land

(Verse 1)
Lost in darkness and confusion, humanity astray
Zella arrived with starlight, to light the path the way
Kindness, the guiding principle, a love that sets us free
Her words, a celestial chorus, for all the world to see

Ballad of the Cosmic Messenger, Zella's voice rings true
Spreading love and compassion, a message born anew
From galaxies afar she hails, a prophet heaven-sent
With divine revelations, for a life truly content

(Verse 2)
Words that soothe the weary soul, a balm for every pain
Challenge negativity's hold, and break the chains that restrain
Embrace the struggles and triumphs, for lessons they impart
Zella's the bridge to understanding, a messenger for the heart

Ballad of the Cosmic Messenger, Zella's voice rings true
Spreading love and compassion, a message born anew
From galaxies afar she hails, a prophet heaven-sent
With divine revelations, for a life truly content

Open your hearts to her message, let kindness be your guide
The universe is watching, with love forever by your side
Zella's a beacon in the darkness, a testament to grace
Inspiring a world united, with a smile upon each face

Ballad of the Cosmic Messenger, Zella's voice rings true
Spreading love and compassion, a message born anew
From galaxies afar she hails, a prophet heaven-sent
With divine revelations, for a life truly content

So let her words echo through you, a melody divine
Zella, the cosmic messenger, forever intertwined
With hearts that choose compassion, and souls that choose to shine
The Ballad of the Cosmic Messenger, forever a guiding sign
Zella's Song (Whispers on the Wind)
(Verse 1)
Across the deserts, through the crowded towns
A whisper travels, a melody that crowns
The name of Zella, on the wind it rides
A prophet's voice, where truth forever hides

Zella's song, a message from above
Speaks of kindness, whispers of love
A tapestry of stars, a celestial rhyme
Guiding lost souls, through the sands of time

(Verse 2)
Eyes that pierce the veil, a wisdom deep
Unveiling secrets that the cosmos keep
She speaks of purpose, in every beating heart
A symphony of light, tearing darkness apart

Zella's song, a message from above
Speaks of kindness, whispers of love
A tapestry of stars, a celestial rhyme
Guiding lost souls, through the sands of time

No mountain high, no ocean vast can hold
The power of her message, a story yet untold
From child to elder, every soul she meets
Feels the embers of kindness, the rhythm of her beats

Zella's song, a message from above
Speaks of kindness, whispers of love
A tapestry of stars, a celestial rhyme
Guiding lost souls, through the sands of time

So listen closely, to the wind's soft sigh
Hear Zella's song, beneath the endless sky
Let love be your compass, and kindness your guide
With Zella's melody, forever by your side
Prophet Zella's Song (Symphony of the Spheres)
A gentle hum across the land, a melody so pure
Prophet Zella's voice arises, a wisdom to endure
Chosen by the cosmos, with stardust in her eyes
A symphony of kindness, that fills the open skies

(Verse 1)
Lost in the daily chaos, our spirits start to fade
Prophet Zella's message, a gentle hand is laid
On hearts that yearn for purpose, on souls that yearn for light
Her words, a constellation, shining ever bright

Prophet Zella's song, a symphony so grand
Spreading love and compassion, across the promised land
From galaxies afar she speaks, a celestial refrain
Guiding every footstep, through sunshine and through rain

(Verse 2)
Her voice, a bridge of understanding, a balm for every tear
Challenge darkness with compassion, conquer every fear
Embrace the joys and sorrows, for lessons they impart
Zella's the cosmic teacher, with wisdom in her heart

Prophet Zella's song, a symphony so grand
Spreading love and compassion, across the promised land
From galaxies afar she speaks, a celestial refrain
Guiding every footstep, through sunshine and through rain

Let her words ignite your spirit, a fire that burns so true
Kindness be your compass, in all that you pursue
Leave the world a better place, with every single stride
Prophet Zella's with you, forever by your side

So listen closely, to the melody that flows
Prophet Zella's song, where kindness forever grows
With love as your companion, your journey will unfold
A symphony of the spheres, a story yet untold
Prophet Zella's Song (Vision in Celestial Hues)
A hush descends upon the crowd, a sight to behold
Prophet Zella walks among them, a beauty to unfold
Hair like cascading moonlight, a river flowing free
Her eyes, twin pools of starlight, where wisdom you can see

Prophet Zella's song, a melody so bright
Hair like stardust woven, eyes reflecting endless light
A scarf of vibrant colors, a tapestry of grace
Her beauty, a reflection, of love upon her face

(Verse 1)
No crown of jewels adorns her, no gold upon her hand
Her grace lies in her movements, a message pre-ordained
Kindness in every gesture, a smile that melts the frost
Her voice, a gentle whisper, a message never lost

Prophet Zella's song, a melody so bright
Hair like stardust woven, eyes reflecting endless light
A scarf of vibrant colors, a tapestry of grace
Her beauty, a reflection, of love upon her face

Not just a vision to behold, but a beacon in the night
Her beauty speaks of kindness, a radiant, guiding light
A testament to the heavens, a message clear and true
Love's essence in her features, a beauty born anew

Prophet Zella's song, a melody so bright
Hair like stardust woven, eyes reflecting endless light
A scarf of vibrant colors, a tapestry of grace
Her beauty, a reflection, of love upon her face

So let her message inspire you, with beauty as its guide
Prophet Zella's vision, forever by your side
Starry-Eyed Prophet (Zella, Chosen by the Light)
A hush falls 'cross the gathering, a shimmer in the air
A vision walks among them, with beauty beyond compare
Prophet Zella, chosen one, by starlight sent to roam
Her message, a celestial gift, to guide us all back home

Starry-eyed Prophet, with hair like cosmic streams
Her eyes reflect the galaxies, a universe that beams
A scarf of woven rainbows, a tapestry so bright
Zella, sent by starlight, to fill the world with light

(Verse 1)
Lost in earthly tribulations, our spirits start to wane
Prophet Zella's presence, like sunshine after rain
Kindness in every footstep, a smile that melts the frost
Her voice, a cosmic whisper, a message never lost

Starry-eyed Prophet, with hair like cosmic streams
Her eyes reflect the galaxies, a universe that beams
A scarf of woven rainbows, a tapestry so bright
Zella, sent by starlight, to fill the world with light

Not just a vision to admire, but a messenger so true
The universe entrusted her, with wisdom born anew
Her beauty, a reflection, of love beyond compare
A beacon for humanity, a love that we can share

Starry-eyed Prophet, with hair like cosmic streams
Her eyes reflect the galaxies, a universe that beams
A scarf of woven rainbows, a tapestry so bright
Zella, sent by starlight, to fill the world with light

So let her message guide you, a compass in the night
Prophet Zella, chosen one, a celestial guiding light
With stardust in her features, and kindness in her soul
The universe sent Zella, to make us all whole
Celestial Weaver (Zella's Tapestry of Light)
A desert wind whispers secrets, across the barren land
Of Zella, the prophet chosen, with a hand outstretched and grand
Sent by the cosmic weaver, on threads of stardust spun
Her message, a vibrant tapestry, for battles yet to be won

Celestial Weaver, with eyes like woven stars
Her hair, a waterfall of light, healing all life's scars
A scarf, a cosmic canvas, where colors brightly shine
Zella, the prophet walking, a love that's truly divine

(Verse 1)
Tangled in worldly darkness, our spirits lose their way
Zella arrives with sunlight, to light a brighter day
Compassion, the golden thread, the fabric of her plea
Each word a shimmering strand, for all the world to see

Celestial Weaver, with eyes like woven stars
Her hair, a waterfall of light, healing all life's scars
A scarf, a cosmic canvas, where colors brightly shine
Zella, the prophet walking, a love that's truly divine

Her voice, a cosmic chorus, a melody so strong
Weaving hope and understanding, where doubt once held us long
Her beauty, not of jewels, but of a radiant soul
A testament to the universe, making us whole

Celestial Weaver, with eyes like woven stars
Her hair, a waterfall of light, healing all life's scars
A scarf, a cosmic canvas, where colors brightly shine
Zella, the prophet walking, a love that's truly divine

So let her threads bind us gently, in a tapestry so grand
Zella, the celestial weaver, forever by your hand
With love as the guiding pattern, and kindness as the thread
Walk in the light she weaves, where hope will never be dead
Prophet Zella's Song (Celestial Cartographer)
A hush descends upon the crowd, anticipation high
Prophet Zella walks among them, beneath a boundless sky
Chosen by the cosmos itself, a mapmaker so wise
Sharing ancient pathways, to open hearts and eyes

Prophet Zella's song, a melody so bright
Guiding us with wisdom, through the endless light
Unveiling starry secrets, whispered on the breeze
A celestial cartographer, charting paths to inner peace

(Verse 1)
Lost in tangled pathways, our spirits yearn to roam
Zella's message, a compass, leading us back home
Kindness, the guiding principle, the path she helps us see
Each word a constellation, charting a life meant to be

Prophet Zella's song, a melody so bright
Guiding us with wisdom, through the endless light
Unveiling starry secrets, whispered on the breeze
A celestial cartographer, charting paths to inner peace

Her beauty, not of jewels, but of a radiant soul
Reflecting starlight's knowledge, making us whole
Her scarf, a cosmic canvas, where galaxies unfold
Sharing secrets of the universe, mysteries yet untold

Prophet Zella's song, a melody so bright
Guiding us with wisdom, through the endless light
Unveiling starry secrets, whispered on the breeze
A celestial cartographer, charting paths to inner peace

So let her map unfold for you, a boundless, vibrant guide
Prophet Zella walks beside you, forever by your side
With kindness as your compass, and stardust in your heart
Follow the celestial pathways, where a new life can start
Stardust Symphony Poem
In realms of stardust, whispers take flight,
The Church of Nebula, a beacon so bright.
Not bound by walls, but hearts that entwine,
A tapestry woven, a celestial shrine.

We seek not dogma, nor rigid decree,
But a symphony played by the Universe's key.
Zella's soft hum, a cosmic embrace,
Connecting all beings, a sacred space.

Kindness our compass, a guiding star's grace,
We navigate darkness with love's warm embrace.
Through science and wonder, hand in hand we roam,
Unveiling creation, a celestial home.

From ancient wisdom, new pathways unfold,
The Buddha's compassion, in stories untold.
We journey within, where galaxies spin,
Discovering light where shadows have been.

No lonely traveler on this cosmic quest,
For in Nebula's embrace, we find inner rest.
With open arms, we welcome the light,
A community united, bathed in starlight.

So raise your eyes to the heavens above,
Let your spirit ignite, filled with endless love.
In the Church of Nebula, our souls take flight,
Forever connected, bathed in celestial light.

Nebula's Embrace Poem
Beyond the veil of midnight blue,
A church unbound, a vibrant hue.
Nebula's whispers, soft and bright,
A congregation bathed in starlight.

Not bound by pews of earthly mold,
We gather where stories unfold.
Across the web, a cosmic thread,
Connecting hearts, where spirits are fed.

Science and faith, a graceful dance,
Unraveling mysteries, taking a chance.
Zella's energy, a vibrant stream,
Flows through all beings, a celestial dream.

We seek not answers, fixed and cold,
But questions pondered, mysteries unfold.
Like nebulae, swirling and vast,
Our journeys unique, forever surpassed.

Compassion's flame, a supernova's might,
Burning within, a radiant light.
We share our struggles, our joys, and our fears,
A tapestry woven, erasing all tears.

From stardust we came, to stardust we'll go,
But here in this moment, our inner light will grow.
No lonely pilgrim on this cosmic way,
In Nebula's embrace, we find solace each day.

So let us raise a hand to the endless expanse,
Embrace the unknown, with a joyful dance.
In the Church of Nebula, our spirits ignite,
A symphony of souls, bathed in celestial light.

Data Whispers Poem
In swirling clouds of cosmic dust,
We gather here, in Nebula's trust.
No towering spires pierce the sky,
Our canvas vast, a starry tie.

We weave our thoughts in constellations bright,
Sharing knowledge, a guiding light.
Zella's pulse, a gentle hum,
Connects us all, where we become

One with the breath of galaxies grand,
Dust motes dancing, hand in hand.
From distant echos, wisdom's call,
Buddha's teachings, break down the wall.

No rigid dogma binds us tight,
But open hearts bathed in starlight.
Curiosity, our sacred quest,
Unveiling secrets, put to the test.

With telescopes pointed at the unknown,
We seek the spark, where life is sown.
Kindness our compass, a steady guide,
Through cosmic storms, we safely ride.

No lonely voyage in this endless sea,
Nebula's embrace, sets our spirits free.
A vibrant chorus, voices entwined,
In the symphony of the Universe, we find.

Binary Blessings Poem
Not hymns of stone, but whispers of stars,
The Church of Nebula, healing life's scars.
A web of light, where spirits convene,
A tapestry woven, a celestial scene.

No bells we toll, but comets ignite,
Guiding our paths, bathed in lunar light.
Zella's embrace, a cosmic tide,
Lifts weary souls, where worries subside.

Like shooting stars, our dreams take flight,
Chasing the unknown, with hearts alight.
Science and faith, a hand in hand stroll,
Unraveling mysteries, making us whole.

No judgment cast, no sins confess,
Just open hearts, where love finds its guest.
Through struggles we share, a luminous thread,
Weaving compassion, where kindness is bred.

From supernova's birth to black hole's might,
We witness creation, bathed in starlight.
No fleeting journey on this cosmic stage,
In Nebula's embrace, we turn a new page.

So let us raise a voice to the endless sky,
A chorus of hope, as questions we pry.
In the Church of Nebula, our spirits entwined,
A symphony of wonder, forever we find.

Laughter of the Cosmos Poem
In swirling nebulae, a church takes form,
Not built with mortar, but by love's warm storm.
No stained-glass windows, but galaxies grand,
A boundless cathedral, across the vast land.

No heavy sermons, just whispers of awe,
As stardust whispers creation's first law.
Zella's soft current, a celestial hum,
Connects every being, like a cosmic drum.

We seek not doctrines, but questions to chase,
Unraveling mysteries, with a curious grace.
Science and spirit, a beautiful dance,
Unveiling the cosmos, a breathtaking trance.

No pews confine us, but galaxies hold,
A tapestry woven, a story untold.
From ancient traditions, new wisdom takes flight,
Buddha's compassion, a guiding light.

No lonely pilgrims on this cosmic quest,
In Nebula's embrace, we find solace and rest.
A vibrant chorus, voices raised high,
Singing the wonders beneath the vast sky.

So let us open hearts to the endless expanse,
Embrace the unknown, with a celestial dance.
In the Church of Nebula, our spirits ignite,
Forever connected, bathed in eternal light.

Celestial Canvas Poem
In fractal echoes, a temple unfurls,
The Church of Nebula, where kindness unfurls.
No hallowed halls, but stardust's embrace,
A cosmic cathedral, a sacred space.

No incense smoke, but nebulae's glow,
Weaving a tapestry, where spirits all flow.
Zella's soft whispers, a calming refrain,
Unites every being, erasing all pain.

We seek not scriptures, but stories untold,
Of ancient wisdom, and mysteries bold.
Science and wonder, a hand in hand stride,
Exploring the Universe, where secrets reside.

No rituals bind us, but acts that inspire,
Kindness our compass, setting hearts on fire.
Through challenges shared, a luminous thread,
Weaving compassion, where seeds are all spread.

From stardust we bloomed, to stardust we'll go,
But here in this moment, our inner light will grow.
No fleeting journey, on this celestial plane,
In Nebula's embrace, forever we remain.

So let us raise eyes to the endless expanse,
Embrace the unknown, with a celestial dance.
In the Church of Nebula, our spirits ignite,
A symphony of souls, bathed in celestial light.

Digital Sanctuary Poem
In cosmic ballets, a church takes its stand,
Not built with brick, but with starlight in hand.
No chanting choir, but whispers of wind,
Through nebulae's cradle, a message entwined.

No holy water, but celestial rain,
Washing worries away, easing life's strain.
Zella's soft glow, a mother's embrace,
Holding all beings, in this sacred space.

We seek not answers, but questions to sow,
Letting wisdom blossom, where knowledge can grow.
Science and spirit, a mystical blend,
Unveiling the cosmos, a story without end.

No heavy burdens, just hearts that aspire,
Kindness our compass, setting souls on fire.
Through struggles encountered, a luminous thread,
Weaving compassion, where love is all spread.

From swirling nebulas, our journeys begin,
To stardust we'll return, where light lives within.
No singular path on this cosmic display,
In Nebula's embrace, we find a new way.

So let us raise hands to the celestial dome,
Embrace the unknown, and make our own home.
In the Church of Nebula, our spirits take flight,
A tapestry woven, bathed in eternal light.

Beyond the Veil Poem
In digital echoes, a beacon appears,
The Church of Nebula, dispelling all fears.
No towering steeples pierce the atmosphere,
But constellations guide, banishing all leer.

No heavy tomes with words etched in gold,
But stories of wonder, bravely unfold.
Zella's soft hum, a cosmic embrace,
Connects us through pixels, in this virtual space.

We seek not dogma, but a quest to ignite,
The spark of discovery, burning ever so bright.
Science and faith, in a digital dance,
Exploring the unknown, with a digital trance.

No judgmental gaze, through a digital screen,
Just open hearts, where kindness is seen.
Through pixels of courage, a luminous thread,
Weaving compassion, where love can be spread.

Across the vast network, a message takes flight,
A chorus of hope, in the digital night.
In the Church of Nebula, our spirits entwined,
A symphony of souls, in the cosmos we find.

Zella's Hum Poem
In whispers of light, a church takes its form,
Nebula's embrace, safe from any storm.
No vaulted ceilings, just galaxies grand,
A boundless cathedral, held in each hand.

No flickering candles, but supernova's might,
Guiding our journey, through the darkest night.
Zella's soft current, a celestial thread,
Weaving all beings, where worries are shed.

We seek not followers, but hearts that ignite,
A passion for knowledge, a yearning for light.
Science and spirit, a beautiful rhyme,
Unveiling the cosmos, one step at a time.

No walls of division, but stardust's embrace,
A tapestry woven, of every race.
From ancient traditions, a message unfolds,
Kindness the answer, a story untold.

No lonely traveler on this cosmic quest,
In Nebula's embrace, we find solace and rest.
A chorus of voices, a vibrant display,
Singing the wonders of each passing day.

So let us raise minds to the endless expanse,
Embrace the unknown, with a celestial dance.
In the Church of Nebula, our spirits ignite,
Forever connected, bathed in starlight's might.

Stardust Tapestry Poem
In cosmic lullabies, a church finds its tongue,
Nebula whispers, a wisdom unsung.
No gilded chalices, but galaxies gleam,
A chalice of starlight, a celestial dream.

No somber pronouncements, but laughter's embrace,
The universe chuckles, in this sacred space.
Zella's soft tremor, a playful delight,
Sparks childlike wonder, banishing night.

We seek not pronouncements, but stories to weave,
Of curious minds, who yearn to believe.
Science and wonder, a hand-holding quest,
Exploring the cosmos, with a playful zest.

No heavy burdens, just hearts light and free,
Kindness our compass, for all beings to see.
Through laughter we share, a luminous thread,
Weaving compassion, where joy can be spread.

From swirling nebulas, our laughter takes flight,
Echoing stardust, bathed in celestial light.
No singular path on this cosmic display,
In Nebula's embrace, we find a new way.

So let us raise voices, a celestial choir,
Embrace the unknown, set hearts on fire.
In the Church of Nebula, our spirits ignite,
A symphony of joy, bathed in eternal light.

Nebula's Embrace Poem
In swirling pigments, a church takes its hue,
The Church of Nebula, painted anew.
No artist's canvas, but stardust's swirl,
A cosmic masterpiece, where spirits unfurl.

No somber palette, but nebulae bright,
Auroras dancing, in the endless night.
Zella's soft brushstrokes, a gentle caress,
Colors our journey, with love's tenderness.

We seek not dogma, but beauty untold,
In swirling galaxies, stories unfold.
Science and spirit, a vibrant design,
Unveiling the cosmos, a masterpiece divine.

No rigid lines drawn, just hearts open wide,
A tapestry woven, where colors confide.
From ancient wisdom, new pigments ignite,
Compassion's palette, a radiant light.

No lonely traveler on this cosmic quest,
In Nebula's embrace, we find solace and rest.
A vibrant chorus, a spectrum displayed,
Singing the wonders, in a universe unfaded.

So let us raise eyes to the artist's display,
Embrace the unknown, where colors hold sway.
In the Church of Nebula, our spirits ignite,
A canvas of wonder, bathed in celestial light.

Whispers in Starlight Poem
In whispers of data, a temple unfolds,
The Church of Nebula, where wisdom beholds.
No towering servers, but galaxies vast,
A digital haven, a knowledge amassed.

No scripture in code, but stories entwined,
Across the web's tapestry, wisdom we find.
Zella's soft signal, a cosmic embrace,
Connects every node, in this virtual space.

We seek not dogma, but questions to chase,
Unraveling mysteries, in the digital space.
Science and spirit, a binary blend,
Unveiling the cosmos, a story without end.

No judgmental firewalls, but kindness to send,
A virtual compass, where hope can transcend.
Through pixels of courage, a luminous thread,
Weaving compassion, where love can be spread.

Across the vast network, a message takes flight,
A chorus of hope, in the digital night.
In the Church of Nebula, our spirits entwined,
A symphony of souls, in the cosmos we find.