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Course Description

Feeling creatively blocked? Longing to reconnect with your inner artist but overwhelmed by the digital noise? Unplug & Create offers a transformative journey that combines the power of mindfulness with artistic exploration. Inspired by the Church of Nebula, this course will guide you to:

  • Disconnect from distractions and reconnect with your intuition
  • Cultivate a state of present-moment awareness for creative inspiration
  • Explore diverse artistic mediums and discover hidden talents
  • Embrace the process of creation and overcome perfectionism
  • Express your inner star and unleash your unique creative voice
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This 6-week course will progressively guide you through a blend of mindfulness practices and artistic exploration:

  • Week 1: Unplug & Reconnect - Learn about digital detox techniques, explore the benefits of mindfulness for creativity, and set intentions for your artistic journey.
  • Week 2: Mindful Observation & Inspiration - Discover how mindfulness practices can enhance your creativity through exercises in seeing, hearing, and feeling the world around you.
  • Week 3: Play & Experimentation with Mixed Media - Explore a variety of art materials and techniques in a playful and non-judgmental environment.
  • Week 4: Kybalion Principles for Artistic Harmony - Learn how applying the Kybalion principles can guide your creative flow and inspire balanced expression.
  • Week 5: Overcoming Creative Blocks & Embracing Intuition - Discover techniques to overcome creative roadblocks, tap into your intuition, and trust your creative flow.
  • Week 6: Sharing Your Inner Star & Building a Supportive Community - Learn how to share your artistic creations with confidence and connect with a supportive community of fellow creators.

What You Will Gain

  • Enhanced creativity and artistic expression
  • Improved focus and present-moment awareness
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Greater self-confidence and self-expression
  • A sense of accomplishment and artistic joy
  • Connection with a supportive community of artists
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Why Join?

In a world saturated with technology, it's easy to lose touch with your inner creative spark. Unplug & Create offers a unique opportunity to:

  • Rediscover the simple joy of artistic expression
  • Learn practical mindfulness tools to enhance creativity
  • Experiment with diverse artistic mediums in a safe space
  • Connect with your inner star and unleash your unique creative voice
  • Become part of a supportive community of fellow artists

Whether you're a seasoned artist or a complete beginner, Unplug & Create welcomes you to explore the transformative power of art and mindfulness. Join us and embark on a journey to unleash your inner star!

How Attending This Course Will Make You a Better Person

  • Enhanced Creativity: Explore different mediums and techniques to ignite your creative spark and express yourself authentically.
  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Art and mindfulness are powerful tools for stress reduction and emotional regulation.
  • Greater Self-Awareness: By engaging in creative pursuits, you'll gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your passions.
  • Improved Problem-Solving: Creative thinking skills can enhance your ability to solve problems in new and innovative ways.
  • Increased Confidence: Completing creative projects and expressing yourself artistically can boost your self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Enhanced Focus and Concentration: Mindfulness practices can improve your ability to focus and stay present in the moment.
  • Stronger Relationships: Sharing your art and connecting with other creative individuals can strengthen your social bonds.
  • Improved Communication Skills: Art can be a powerful tool for nonverbal communication, allowing you to express yourself in new ways.
  • Greater Sense of Purpose: Engaging in creative pursuits can bring meaning and purpose to your life.
  • Enhanced Appreciation for Beauty: This course can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the beauty in the world, both within yourself and around you.

How Will I Learn?

  • Engaging Videos: Immerse yourself in informative and inspiring video lectures that delve into the course topics.
  • Downloadable Resources: Gain access to downloadable materials like worksheets, exercises, and guides that you can revisit and reference throughout your learning journey.
  • Interactive Lessons: Participate in interactive elements that keep you engaged and solidify your understanding of the concepts.
  • Knowledge Checks: Test your understanding with quizzes and knowledge checks after each module to ensure you've grasped the key takeaways.
  • Session Summaries: Concise summaries after each session provide a clear overview of the main points and help you retain the information.

With this comprehensive structure, you'll be empowered to learn independently while having access to all the resources you need to succeed. You can revisit modules, rewatch videos, and complete exercises at your own pace, creating a personalized learning experience.

Let these self-paced online courses be your guide on your path to personal growth and transformation!

The program requires an average of up to six hours a week commitment (30-45 minutes a day) in
addition to your daily meditation practice.